Chapter Two: Checking It Twice: Part Two

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"Careful." He smiled at me, a brilliant smile that struck me dumb as he waved his hand and the jar halted before it hit the floor. He waved his hand, his signet ring glinting as the jar returned to its shelf. I blinked at him as my mouth snapped shut. Why the hell was the King of the Covens not just talking to me but smiling at me? "Lacey, correct?" He sounded so smooth and suave that I shivered slightly as I took in his handsome exterior. There was a reason a lot of the witches giggled and dreamed about meeting him. "That is your name, right?" He gestured to me and I gaped before giving a small shake of my head. I felt star struck, he was so goddamned attractive.

"It's not?" He quirked his eyebrow at me and I squeaked, unable to help myself as my eyes widened. "What is it?" He moved closer and I tried to back away rapidly but the shelf was in the way, I gripped the edge of the shelf with my hands tightly.

"Novis." It came out in a squeak as I stared at him with wide eyes, my heart thumping hard in my chest as his eyebrow rose just a fraction higher.

"Your name is Novis?" His eyes flicked up and down my form and my cheeks heated up rapidly. I didn't know what to do, he was very intense and so fucking attractive. No warlock ever truly talked to me so I was a little out of my depth. He shifted backwards slightly, looking over his shoulder. "Well, Novis, I would like you to accompany me to the main offices. I have something I wish to discuss with you." He glanced around before leaning towards me. "Privately." He stressed the word and I gripped the shelf tighter as my face went even more heated.

I felt like I couldn't speak as he smiled at me, showing me his brilliant white teeth before he tilted his head as he moved closer, extending his arm for me. "Don't worry, Miss Lenkirion, I just have some official business to discuss with you away from... prying eyes." He leaned his head closer, sweeping me away in a cloud of masculine scent that made me want to flutter my eyes. Why did he have to smell amazing as well?

I felt frozen and he didn't seem to see or care as he grabbed my hand and pulled it through his arm as he lead me away from the shelf. I almost stumbled but his hand gripped my arm gently, keeping me on my feet as he lead me out of the store. My face felt like it was on fire and I was having a hard time hearing anything over my heartbeat. It was thumping so hard I felt like it would beat right out of my chest. I was walking through the coven with the King of Covens, with Mercutio, the sexiest warlock there ever was, ever.

I felt like I had slipped into an alternate universe. I had no idea what he wanted to talk to me about. I had never been called to the main offices before, I hadn't actually met the King before. I had seen him around, everyone did, but he walked as if he were above us all, never noticing those that milled around. I never thought, in a million years, that he would be walking me down the side street in full view of everyone. I never thought he would even know my name, let alone touch me. I felt where he came into contact with me like it was burned into my skin. My heart gave an unfamiliar lurch and my mouth went dry, he was warm and so strong. I could feel his strength in his arm and in the hand that held my arm in place. Strong and steady, just as a King should be.

I risked a glace up from the ground and I noticed how many eyes were on us and I hunched my shoulders forward and tried to pull my arm away. This was the last thing I needed. I needed to be invisible and unseen. The less people aware of my existence the better but now I felt like there was a giant spotlight on me and everyone in the world could now see me.

His grip grew tighter on me before he leaned down closer to me. "Do not worry about the looks. What they think does not matter. This is official business, Novis, they have no reason to discuss." His voice was low and felt almost intimate to me before he waved his hand outwards, his signet ring flashed and there was a curious buzzing in the air and everyone looked away. "Do not worry, it is a mild spell to make them forget they saw us, to make you more comfortable." I blinked rapidly, that was an incredible display of magick, to cast a memory spell on all of the people was insane. There was no wonder that his blood line was royalty, only a bloodline that thick with magick could perform a feat like that.

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