Chapter Six: Insecurity: Part Two

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I felt very uncomfortable walking behind the large werewolf, something inside of me twisted and curled at his presence. I didn't know what it was and it made me uncomfortable. I walked down the stairs, trying hard to stay unseen but he damn near swaggered down them, as if the world needed to look at him and take notice of his presence because he was the most important thing in the room. I was envious of his confidence and I felt heavily inadequate as I followed him.

I noticed how the witches looked at him, they all had the same expression fearful disgust and it made me frown. Yes, he was terrifying but I didn't honestly get the disgust. He was a different species, yes, but he looked human just like we did. Plus he was on the good side of attractive as well. The way they looked at him made one think he was a slimy worm or another gross creepy crawly.

He didn't seem to notice or care about the stares as he walked with that touch of swagger, his muscles moving fluidly underneath his leather duster. It looked old and well worn and I watched as he swiped it back from his side, flashing a hunting knife in a sheath attached to his thigh. My eyes went wide at that and I hastily looked away. I noticed the witches had as well and I wondered if that had been the reason. He had noticed the stares and reminded them he was just as dangerous as they believed him to be. I knew he had me convinced of that.

He came to the door and yanked on it, the large wooden door swung easily as he flicked his wrist, sending the door swinging wide open as he strode through it. My eyes nearly bugged out at the sheer display of strength. That door was more than heavy and he made it seem like a cheap piece of cardboard. However I saw the opening and instead of waiting to fight with the door myself I hastily scurried out of the building before the door could close on me.

A sleek black car sat at the bottom of the stairs and the werewolf made his way down. I watched as he opened the door but instead of getting inside he left the door open to move around and get in on the other side. I blinked before a faint feeling rose up in my chest as I stared at the opened car door. Had he... had he opened the door for me? I blinked rapidly as I slowly crept down the stairs. It seriously looked like he had opened the door for me. I found a small flush of pleasure at that, no one had ever opened a door for me before. I knew it was stupid to feel thankful for such a stupid little gesture but I was.

I made my way down the rest of the stairs and slowly moved towards the car and got in, closing the door softly as I forced myself not to look at the werewolf. My heart pounded in my throat and I swallowed hard before I grabbed my seatbelt and put it on. "Thank-" I gave a cough to clear the small waver of fear from my throat. "Thank you." I couldn't get the rest out, my voice shook to much and the backseat felt far too small with both of us in it. I closed my eyes as I adjusted my seatbelt over my chest as he shifted on his seat.

"Any male worth his boots opens a door for a female. If he doesn't then he's nothing but trash, witchling." His voice was almost overly harsh and I let out a small eep at it. "But you are welcome." The polite reply made me blink in shock and I looked over at him quickly but he was looking forward, not looking towards me. I swallowed hard again, my hand reaching up to where the necklace rested. I needed something to distract me and it seemed good enough.

I picked it up, staring at the design. It felt delicate and I knew it was probably worth more than anything I currently owned and a bit of shame filled me at it. I wanted to take it off and place it in the backpack but Mercutio's words of not taking it off filtered through my head so I settled with looking it over, trying to place the thrumming of magick.

I had learned a lot while training to be a witch but having no magick and that was that certain spells had a certain thrum and this one was confusing for me. It was warm against my fingers and it felt similar to a protection spell but it had an edge of ice to it that made me uneasy. The ice wasn't a thrum but a sharp sting of magick. It was nearly hidden underneath the protection spell but it was still there and still noticeable and still causing me some unease.

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