Chapter 4 - Wrong Place, Right Time

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Aria's POV

"Bloody hell what a long ass night. I am finished. That surgery took everything out of me." I listened to Olivia complain as I tried to gather my clothes. 

"Ugh... My clothes are full of blood. I will have to go home in my scrubs." I stated as I chucked my clothing into a plastic bag.

"How on earth did you even get to work this shift while suspended?" Olivia questioned. Right, the night got so hectic she doesn't know.

"I came in for a meeting with the Chief and that's when the earthquake victims started coming in. I couldn't exactly stand there watching patients bleeding out and others crashing just because I was suspended. Then one needed urgent surgery and there was no one else available and the chief reinstated me for this shift only." 

"Crap. I started getting excited that your suspension had been lifted. I miss you, Ari."

 "You literally see me at home every night." 

"I mean at work, you idiot. I have to deal with all these fools we call interns on my own with no one to vent with." 

"I miss you and work too, Oli." I sighed deeply. "I'm exhausted. I need some food and a bloody good sleep."

"Ditto. How about La Colombe?"

"Don't start Oli."

" I am not starting anything," Olivia stated holding her hands up in the air. "I just miss their chicken mayo sandwiches and those amazing mochaccino lattes. Come on Ari, please... I mean it's been a month. What are the chances that the day we decide to pop in there again in a month he will rock up at the same time." She batted her eyelids at me. My unimpressed look made her face fall. 

"Unless..." she began. "Unless you are afraid of how your emotions will play up if you see him again. Do you still have feelings for him?"

"Good God, no! Oli, it's been 10 bloody years. We have both changed and you know a lot has happened in 10 years in my life, I am pretty sure his as well. I mean he is still with her."

"And that irritates you?" She eyed me. 

"No! Stop your speculating crap. I couldn't care less about who he is with. I am just saying it's been 10 years and they are still together. He could have children for all we know. I never thought about him and seeing him doesn't affect me. I was just caught off guard that's all. I mean I have been back in New York for years now and I haven't seen him once so I thought he had moved."

"You thought he had moved..." She repeated. "So, you did think about him over the years?" She began sporting a grin.

"Oh, for fuck sakes Olivia!" 

"Ok ok, I'm sorry! Geez, I hate the way you say my full name like that. Cut it out! Look, whatever you say. I am just hungry and I am craving that particular coffee house. If you want to go home then be my guest but I am satisfying these hormonal time of the month cravings."

I sighed as I watched her walking away. I shook my head and began jogging to catch up with her.

"Fine! I also kind of miss that place. Nobody else knows how to make brownies as they do."

"I knew you would give into the brownies." She smirked.

" She smirked

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