Chapter 17 - Babysitting Part 2

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Aria's POV

After playing a bit with Odette we changed out of the costumes and made our way to get dinner. I sat with Odette on the couch putting a movie on for her while Dom was in the kitchen preparing dinner. 

"Can we watch Moana?" She asked me sweetly. 

"Of course baby. Is that your favorite movie?" 

"Mmm. I know ALL the songs." She exclaimed bouncing on the spot she was seated in. I couldn't help but smile. 

"Well, I guess you're going to have to teach me so we can sing them together," I told her as I touched her nose lightly with my index finger. She giggled and placed her hands over her nose. 

I put on the movie, placed a blanket over her and decided to go check on Dom. I made my way to the kitchen but stopped at the door. He was by the stove mixing a pot with a wooden spoon. He would then put some more spices inside, mix it and bring some to his mouth with the spoon. He proceeded to lick some sauce off his finger that had messed. Good God... 

I took a deep breath before entering. 

"You're not going to kill us tonight are you?" I questioned with an uncertain look aimed at the pot. 

He gave me an amused expression, raised eyebrows and a slight smirk. He didn't say anything, instead, he took some sauce with the spoon and brought it to my lips, with his hand placed underneath to catch any drops of that could fall. I hesitated, pulling my head back a bit. He chuckled and enticed me to taste. 

I went slowly and placed my mouth on the edge of the spoon. I let my taste buds analyze the new substance in my mouth. It was actually pretty good. I had a surprised look on my face as a smile crept upon it. 

"Where did you learn how to cook?" I asked him.

"My mother taught us when she wasn't dealing with that bastard father of ours." 

He said turning back to the pot. I didn't need to see his face to know there was a lot of anger bottled up when it came to his father. I decided it would be wise to change the subject. 

"Well, Odette is watching Moana now. How much longer until dinner is ready?" I asked casually. 

"She loves that movie. It's all we hear in this house. And dinner is just about done." 

He turned and took out 3 plates and began dishing up. I decided to grab the cutlery and placed then on each plate. I then went and poured some juice in a cup for Odette. 

"Odette! Dinner is ready." Dom called for her. 

"Zio (Uncle), please can I eat here and watch Moana? Please..." We heard her reply from the lounge. 

Dom sighed while contemplating this. Clearly it was a habit they were trying to prevent. I decided to try something. 

"Is there dessert?" I walked over to him and asked him in a whisper. 

He furrowed his brows at me and just stared at me with a blank expression. I narrowed my eyes at him then I saw his lips move into an amused smile. 

Wait. What? 

"I'm talking about actual food, idiot!"

 I looked at him unamused as he chuckled. I crossed my arms and glared at him. This only made him laugh harder. 

"There's ice cream." He said in between his laughs. 

I huffed and made my way to Odette. 

"Odette, sweety. Can we make a deal?" I asked her calmly. She looked up at me. 

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