Chapter 34 - Fratello e Sorella

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Aria's POV

Dom pulled out of me and did up his pants. He picked up my panties and slid them back on me. The delicate feel of his fingers going up my leg as he did so was driving me crazy. He was moving at a dangerously slow pace with an open hand along my legs and up my thigh. I closed my eyes to remember we have more pressing matters. I opened them, only to come face to face with him sporting a smug look. He knew exactly how he affected me!

"Stronzo! (asshole)" I mumbled through gritted teeth.

His eyes widened as his lips curled into a smirk.

"Ooo baby girl, so harsh. Yet so damn sexy." He said, walking to me trying to grab my waist. I sidestepped him, leaving him with a crestfallen expression.

"Fine!" He huffed. "I didn't know you spoke Italian, babe." He turned to me with his arms across his chest.

"My surname is Valenti." I gave him a bewildered expression.

"Rhi, you have never uttered a word of Italian." He gave me a questioning look. I was smiling sheepishly at him while he stood his ground.

"Ugh... Fine! I only know the bad words." I mumbled.

"Excuse me?" He was highly amused. "And where did you learn these bad words?"

"No one..." I trailed off.

"This has Ruby written all over it." He shook his head and rubbed his forehead as I snickered.

"Ok, serious talk now." I gained my composure and brought the subject to the elephant in the room. "What was that Dom? Marcel is your best friend."

"Aria, he is fucking my sister underneath my nose! In my house!" He yelled back at me. I could see his anger beginning to rise again.

"Don't you fucking yell at me!" I barked. His head pulled back a bit, surprised that I was challenging him again. "I am not the enemy here. Speak to me nicely."

"Sorry." He grumbled. "Look Aria, my sister has been through a lot. She does not need to be played with. She has a daughter and I don't want to see her heartbroken just to fall into old habits."

"And what makes you think she will? What makes you think Marcel is playing with her? Is he a manwhore like you?"

He glared at me due to my question. "I was..." He trailed off. "Past tense, Aria."

"Semantics. Answer the questions, Dom." I rolled my eyes at him

"Your eyes are going to get stuck in the back of your head at the rate you're going."

"Well, then stop being an idiota (idiot)."

He scowled at me while I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"To answer your questions. No, he was never that type of guy. I mean, yes, he has been with his fair share of women, but he was trying to build a relationship with each one at the time." He said, pouring himself another drink.

"Then I repeat, what makes you think he will do that to Dani if he has no history of it?"

He turned and stared at me for a while then walked to his desk, leaning in the same place he just pleasured me. My thoughts started recounting the past hour and I felt my cheeks burn up. Control yourself, Aria!

"Is there a reason you're blushing?" He questioned with a smirk while he brought his tumbler to his lips, took a swig of his whiskey and then brought his hand back down to his desk, leaning the heel of his palm on the edge while his fingers held the glass. My hormones were raging at this point for some unknown reason because he looked fucking sexy right now.

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