Chapter 14 - He Remembers

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Aria's POV

"That was fucking epic not to mention hot as hell!" Ruby exclaimed after I had left. 

"Right?" Dani replied as she looked at her with wide eyes and grinning. "Who knew Ari had such an authoritative sass about her? I would be scared if I was in that line of shot." 

"Right?" Ruby countered. "Alexa darling, you just got your ass handed to you. You might want to cover it up, I think it's feeling a bit too exposed." 

Dani tried containing her laugh as she snickered and Ruby smirked while Alexa was fuming. 

"Dom, are you just going to let your pathetic excuse of a gay employee speak to me like that, not to mention that slut that just left?" Alexa asked. 

"ALEXA!!" She jumped at the loudness of his deep voice as it filled the room. 

"Don't you ever call her that again! Not Ruby and not Aria! This is my only warning. Now get dressed and get the fuck out of my house! And dare you to step foot in here uninvited again and I will make sure you never step foot anywhere period!" 

"Funny you weren't saying these things a couple of nights ago." Alexa taunted.

Dani and Ruby watched as Dominic lost it. He drew his gun from the back of his pants and shot at her, missing her on purpose, and landing on the wall behind her as the bullet shot right past the side of her head. Her fear and shock were extremely evident. She had never seen Dom this angry before. 

"Get OUT!!!!!!!" He roared. 

She ran to the bathroom and grabbed all her clothes not taking any more time to get dressed, then ran past all of them scrambling for the front door. 

"Marcel, make sure she fucking leaves!" Dom yelled out his office. 

"Got it." They heard Marcel in reply. 

Dominic looked at his sister and Ruby who said nothing but their faces told him enough. He then proceeded to walk out of his office. 

"What the fuck was that? I have never seen Dom lash out like that except at his enemies." Ruby whispered to Dani. 

"That, my dear Ruby, was Dom's feelings fighting to surface," Dani replied in a normal tone with a slight grin. 

"What do you mean?" Ruby questioned her. 

"My brother is utterly embarrassed that Aria witnessed all this. He never wanted her to see him in this kind of light." 

Dani stood silent as she began to think. Then a smile crept upon her lips.

"Oh, big brother. I see right through you. I see you..." 

I stood underneath the hot water as it hit my body relaxing me instantly

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I stood underneath the hot water as it hit my body relaxing me instantly. I began thinking of everything that just transpired downstairs. Fucking Dom. What is wrong with that boy? What on earth could he possibly see in that dragon of a woman? And to think he believes that thing over his niece. 

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