Chapter 41 - Both of You

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Aria's POV

"Is this some kind of sick joke? Because I do not find it amusing!" I said to her. I could feel my anger boiling to the surface. Why would she say that? 

"Whoa! Ari, you know I would never joke about something like this! Come on! I was there! I performed the DNC at the time with the surgeon! I am a little offended you would think so low of me." She seemed genuinely hurt. 

"Well, I don't see any other logical explanation for you talking such rubbish." I huffed.

"Ari, darling, the blood results show it." She tried to talk to me calmly. 

"Well, the blood results are wrong!" My voice started getting louder and I noticed a shadow moving behind the door. 


"No!!" I was now full-blown yelling at her. "I have mourned this already, Olivia! I have mourned all the kids I wanted, I have mourned the one I had, and I have mourned the chance to motherhood. I will not allow a mistaken blood result to give me false hope just to haul it from my grasp again. So, no! It is a mistake and I am done with this conversation."

I began shifting to the edge of the bed, flinging my leg over it and trying to keep my injured one as straight as possible. I hopped down onto one leg and pulled the IV line out of my arm. 

"Aria, what are you doing!? You need to rest and heal! And you are dehydrated, you need that IV line!" Olivia started shouting at me but I simply ignored her. 

The section where the needle was started bleeding and I quickly grabbed a cotton ball from the drawer beside me, placing it over the skin and bending my arm to hold it. I started wobbling my way out of the room. 

"I need to see Dom and I am fine. I refuse to continue this conversation or listen to this bullshit any longer." 

With that, I swung the door open to come face to face with Ruby. Ruby smiled at me cheerily, making me raise an eyebrow at her. Her smile faded and her face sported a puzzled look. I pushed past her, limping my way down the corridor. 

Ruby walked into the room, noticing an upset Olivia sitting on the bed with her hands by her side and the file chucked across it. 

"Baby, what happened?" She asked Olivia softly, rubbing her arm. 

"She refuses to believe me, Rubes. And this isn't something I would just go on a whim and say. I made the labs double-check the bloods, and I stayed there and watched them do it. I am positive she is pregnant. The thing is she is not nutritionally stable or strong enough to carry that baby, not to mention she is already a high-risk pregnancy with her past injuries. If she loses this baby because she refused to acknowledge his or her existence by not looking after herself, she will not come back from it. The guilt will consume her. I don't know what to do, Rubes." 

Olivia started quietly crying, feeling completely hopeless. Ruby pushed her legs apart, stepping in between them and pulling her into a reassuring embrace. 

"Hey, hey, hey... Baby, relax. We will sort this out. Where did she go?" Ruby pulled back, cupping Olivia's face. 

"She said she needed to see Dom, so my guess would be to the ICU." She shrugged. 

"Well, then that buys us time." Ruby was now grinning at her.

"Time for what?" 

"Time to fix this. Dom woke up about 15 minutes ago. He was moved to a private room by your chief where only she will be looking over him. Aria won't find him in the ICU and she doesn't know his false identity either. You go find her and take her to Dom." Ruby told her assuredly. 

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