Chapter 5

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Yoongi POV
After a night of unfortunate events we woke up and went to a café that Jimin found for breakfast. When we were outside the café a girl dressed in all black I saw through the window caught my eye. She was on her phone when we entered she turned around. I was mesmerized by her, her beautiful eyes, her shiny silky hair, her lips. Then I heard the door open again and a girl entered. She went to the same table as the girl I was looking at earlier. Since their table wasn't that far from where we were seated I could hear some parts of their conversation.
"Hey sorry my mom was checking up on me"
"It's fine"
The girl smiled but you could tell it was fake, behind that smile she hid pain. And I want to know the cause of it. She started to tear up but didn't let a single tear fall, her friend hugged her. It broke my heart seeing her like this. Which surprised me since I'm not one to show or feel many emotions. The only emotions I show frequently are rage or annoyance. So it's been a while since I felt like this. I snapped out of it when Jin called me.
We were ordering and I noticed Yoongi looking at a girl a few tables away from ours. The waiter asked Yoongi what he would like to eat but Yoongi was to distracted staring at the girl. I called him
Jin: Yoongi
Yoongi: Huh? Oh sorry.
Yoongi: I'll have a peach bubble tea please.
Waiter: Ok I'll be back shortly with your orders.
Jin: Yoongi are you ok? You keep looking at that table over there.
Yoongi: I'm fine
Jungkook: What table? The one with the two girls?
Yoongi: Jungkook stop don't look
Jungkook: ......... *turns around*
Some people turn around to look at our table and Yoongi reaches over to slap Jungkook's head.
Yoongi: YAH!! SHUT IT!!
Jungkook almost falls out of his chair due to laughing so much.
Yoongi POV
God damn it that girl turned around around when she heard Jungkook yell. I'm probably really red right now so it helps that I have a face mask on right now. Jungkook is still laughing his ass off, while the others except Jin keep asking me who I was looking at.
Authors Note
I'll try to update soon. :)

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