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School Monday was definitely different. There were more kids then than before. I had several new students in all of my classes. I only have two classes before I can go to work. I've got two jobs. One at one of the five diners and at the boutique. I went to the diner. Several of the bikers were there. The owner said he sold it to the leader for a good sum of money.

When some caught sight of me, they wolf whistled and catcalled. A man came out calling me to the back. The cook was also with him along with another waitress. "Are you the only high school girl that works here?" The man asked. "Yes sir." I answered. "How old are you?" He asked.

"Eighteen sir." I answered. "If any of those men disrespect you, you let me or the cook know. I don't allow that. It's only if you will allow it for you not to tell us." He said. I nodded. "I've got cameras all over the diner. Do not threaten my men, do not do anything that could get you hurt. Understand?" He asked. "Yes sir." I answered.

He dismissed me to go wait tables. About three, a group of maybe five rode in. The group shut the bikes off and entered. As I went passed a table one of the men grabbed at my butt. Before I could do anything the guy was grabbed and pressed against the wall.

"You don't touch a woman like that. If I see you touching any of these town girls like that when they don't want to be grabbed, you'll be hospitalized." The guy said. He had muscles and tattoos holding this guy that was a little bit bigger than he was by the collar of his shirt up off the floor. "Do you understand?"

The guy could only nod before he was dropped. The guy that had ahold of him went over to a table. He sat down pulling his phone out. I made my rounds before going over to that table. I took their drink orders before going to fill them. I only wanted to earn money so I can go to college or get out of this town.

When I sat their drinks down, I asked what they would like to eat. I wrote it down before taking it back to the cook. I took plates and bowls to others and refilled drinks. When their order was ready I did the same. When it was closing time, none wanted to leave. Only the five that came in earlier left.

They did their best to keep the table clean. I wiped it down before cook told me goodnight. When they kept trying to order food and drinks, I said the kitchen was closed. That's when several got upset. The kitchen has a door with a lock on it. No one can get back there. The window has a cover on it that locks.

I checked the time, clocked out, and told the boss goodnight. He wasn't fazed by the ruckus that was going on in the main part of the diner. I got my stuff, went to my truck and went home. Once home, I got a shower, ate something then went to bed. I don't care what happens to that diner. There's four others that need help.

When my alarm went off to wake me up, I got up, got dressed, went to eat breakfast before brushing my teeth and gathering my stuff up. Told my parents I was leaving for school and made my way out to the truck. When I got to the parking lot, I backed in, put it in park and shut the engine off.

I got out as several bikes pulled in next to where I'm parked. How fun a backing hazard. I went straight to the building and through the doors. I sat through my two classes before going to work. A sign was put up saying "you must leave thirty minutes before closing. If you leave after the cook, do not come back."

I wanted to laugh at it. I clocked in and helped cook set up. The boss came into the main seating area. "How long has that building been sitting vacant?" He asked. "Nearly as old as she is. It needs to be torn down." Cook said. "Plan on it. I'll be expanding the diner and the parking lot." He said.

When the lunch rush hit, it was all over the place. All afternoon it picked up. At three the same five from yesterday entered. They scouted out a table in the middle of the room and took a seat. One flagged me down. I recognized him as the one that stuck up for me yesterday. "Is there any other waitresses?" He asked.

"Only the one washing dishes. It's never had traffic like this." I answered. He nodded then pulled his phone. "Thank you for the information. We can wait to be served." He said. When I got to everyone, I went back to their table. I got their drink orders and went ahead with their food orders.

I took them to the kitchen before cook said that we were almost out of food. "They're eating me out of my job." He said. "Talk to the boss." I said. "Can't fill the nachos. Out of chips." He said. I went back to the table. "We're out of nacho chips." I said. "Mozzarella sticks." The guy said. I went back and changed it to the mozzarella sticks.

About eight thirty, most of the crowd started to leave. As they left, I cleaned the table. The last ones to leave were those five boys. They cleaned their own table and left it cleaner than when they came in. Cook said the kitchen was closed up before leaving. I put up chairs and mopped the floor before leaving.

I wasn't messed with today. The boss must have laid down some strict rules for them not to.

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