3|| Unpleasant Encounters.

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Subtle in her method of seduction

The twenty little tragedies


~The Age Of The Understatement by The Last Shadow Puppets


IT WAS WEDNESDAY, THE eighth of September, 1943. Exactly a week had passed since Rosalind's arrival to Hogwarts. By this time, the Ravenclaw transfer had proven her magical powers and skills to most of her teachers. Even the students were intrigued by such intelligence, specifically a certain dark-haired boy with icy blue eyes that could penetrate through souls.

This charming boy, also known as Tom Riddle, had grown a sudden interest in the french blonde. Not in a romantic way, of course. Tom Riddle never felt neither the attraction nor the romantic sentiments towards women; or men, for that matter.

He just hated how she made him feel. He hated being curious and intrigued by her, and not being able to find every deepest secret of hers. She acted like a mystery that evaded being solved.

Tom Riddle certainly knew there was something special about Rosalind Bonaccord, something about her secretive yet bold personality. And he wouldn't rest until he found out what it was.


Classes began that day with an acceptable start. Rosalind had been able to cope with Abraxas Malfoy's hostility towards her. There was a lot of bickering and arguing between them during Defence classes, but she managed.

She strode quietly to the Potions classroom with Willow, and the class was nearly full when they walked in. Rosalind immediately took her place by her best friend.

She didn't know why she felt somehow unsettled when Tom Riddle sauntered in with all his graceful and elegant glory. Something about him seemed off, and she couldn't exactly place why she felt that way.

Horace Slughorn welcomed his students with his usual jovial attitude, and she couldn't think of a professor she despised more than that discriminative oaf. 'The Draught of Peace' was written in clear handwriting on the chalkboard, with a simple wave of Slughorn's wand.

"As you might've noticed, today we shall be discussing and brewing the 'Draught of Peace'," The class was silent, most students groaning internally.

"Now who can tell me," Professor Slughorn directed his question to Riddle, as if expecting no one else to know the answer, "What is the effect of the Draught of Peace?"

Tom Riddle's hand shot in the air, as expected.

"Tom, m'boy?" Slughorn smiled idiotically at the dark boy.

"The Draught of Peace relieves anxiety and agitation, sir," Tom Riddle recited smoothly, a charming look traced his fine features. The Potions Professor clapped his hands once, contently.

"Excellent, as expected. Ten points to Slytherin. Now, who would care to inform us of the side-effects of this Potion?" Slughorn now looked at the class expectantly.

It was Rosalind's hand that shot in the air this time.

"Overdoing the ingredients can put the drinker in a deep sleep, Professor," Tom Riddle turned in his seat to locate the source of the answer. And to state the truth, he was expecting it to be Rosalind. She was one of the few students that cared to gain information even beforehand the curriculum.

"Excellent, Miss Bonaccord! Five points to Ravenclaw," Slughorn beamed at her, and continued discussing the potion.

"I don't know how your mind can carry that much information, I have the mindset of a Hipogriff." Willow scowled from Rosalind's side, while the latter struggled not to chuckle at her friend's pessimism.

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