37|| Chaotic Perfection.

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I just want to be wanted

I could use a little love sometimes

I just need to be needed

Like to know I'm crossin' someone's mind

~Wanted by OneRepublic


IT HAD BEEN A few weeks since Tom and Rosalind's relationship was publicly confirmed. And since then, the news spread like a wildfire throughout the school.

Rosalind blamed it all on Tom's popularity, until she realised that she was not so unpopular herself. She was the mysterious pretty transfer that got everyone to like her –teachers, students, everyone– in the blink of an eye. She was also an undeniably talented witch, that managed to get the one and only Tom Riddle 'wrapped around her finger'.

It was a Saturday, and Rosalind was seated with her two best friends, as usual, during dinner. They hadn't questioned her too much about her relationship with Riddle, but they understood that no matter how much they detested him, Rosalind loved him and that was more important.

". .So, Evan and I were just talking on our way to Herbology, you know, just getting to know each other," Oliver winked exaggeratedly before continuing on with what he claimed to be the most 'ridiculously hilarious' story that ever happened to him.

"But then, Reign Zabini decided to stop by, asking me on a date this Saturday, meaning today. And you know, I got all flustered and nervous," Rosalind and Willow laughed at that, trying to cover their full mouths with their hands.

"What? Did you just expect me to tell her 'Hey Reign, you're pretty and all but I'm gay'?!" Oliver asked incredulously, making a face as both girls nodded.

Reign Zabini was in fact one of the prettiest girls at school. She was second on Rosalind's 'Top Five Prettiest Girls at Hogwarts' list. With her amazingly dark complexion, long brown hair and pretty hazel eyes, she was a goddess that roamed the castle. Oliver must've been very lucky to have her attention.

"I mean, what else would you do?" Rosalind asked, munching on a mouthful of blueberry pie.

"Anyways, when she thought I would reject her, she immediately added that we can go on a double date, with, guess who? Correct! Seraphina and Evan! Can you guys even imagine that? Seraphina Lovegood and Evan Rosier, what a match!"

Willow smacked his arm jokingly, "Hey, don't be mean!"

"I'm not, but honestly, it's just funny. Anyways, we agreed. And you should've just seen their faces when we showed up to The Three Broomsticks, and made it clear that Evan and I were the couple," The girls couldn't help but laugh, even though quite aware that what they purposefully did was not good at all.

"Dear Merlin! That's not nice at all, Oliver. I knew you shouldn't be seeing a Slytherin!" Willow scolded, while Rosalind just shook her head. She wondered what Tom's reaction would be, if he found out that one of his Knights was going out with a Ravenclaw 'mudblood'.

"Hey, it's nothing official yet. Besides, at least we apologised and told them that we genuinely thought that this was a gay double date. Let's just say that Reign has been giving me dirty looks all day," Oliver added, receiving another scolding from Willow.

"Bad Oliver! Bad!" The redhead groaned, slouching in her seat. "Am I the only sane one for choosing a Hufflepuff?"

Rosalind's jaw dropped, "Wh-what do you mean?"

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