14|| The Knights of Walpurgis.

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ROSALIND'S WEEK COULDN'T HAVE been worse. Her face seemed to be in a constant frown and her insides felt like a raging storm.

Of course, she had to face the wrath of Willow and Oliver when she went missing for a whole day, especially when she was missing with Tom Riddle.

As expected, Oliver abhorred Tom and all his Slytherin 'friends', and Willow just went with the flow.

It was already Friday, and it felt frightening how fast the days were racing. Rosalind was seated in one of the desks of the Ancient Runes classroom. Oliver was by her side, as usual, for he -like Rosalind- preferred to be advanced in all subjects.

Although Rosalind aced pretty much all of her classes, she always struggled with Ancient Runes. It was like her brain just decided to create a barrier to block any incoming information on Runes. Rosalind was completely horrible at this certain subject, but she still managed to pass.

Bathsheda Babbling was standing in the center of the class, watching over her oval-shaped spectacles as students entered gradually. The teacher seemed to have a permanent scowl on her face, observing the complete failure that was her students.

The Professor cleared her throat to silence the class. She always seemed to have a tight grip on her students. "Today, I will be handing out your examinations." Her eyes moved around the classroom for any sign of surprise or excitement, finding nothing whatsoever. Everyone held a blank expression.

"Surprisingly, most of you passed, but as usual, Mister Riddle is the only one to achieve Outstanding," She explained as she distributed the parchment with a wave of her wand.

Tom had a look of pride on his well-carved face. Of course, he thrived for even the smallest notions of superiority.

"Now, open your books on page 78, and read silently," Babbling ordered, walking around the class and making sure that everyone obeyed.

As she reached Rosalind's table, however, the Professor came to a halt.

"I'm quite disappointed, Miss Bonaccord. I've heard that you're one of the most outstanding students in this school. Alas, you are the only student in my class that almost failed. May I ask, why don't you devote some value to this subject?" She asked, loud enough for the whole class to listen.

Rosalind didn't say anything in return, she didn't know what to reply. Her mouth opened and closed repeatedly much like that of a fish. She noticed the wide smirk on Riddle's face, as he turned in his seat to watch her get scolded.

He always took great amusement in knowing that he was one step ahead of her. Although he shouldn't have cared, he always wanted to show her that he was better, cleverer. And she felt the exact same way.

"Very well, then. I might suggest that you get a tutor. I expect a student like you to thrive for knowledge and skills, especially in such subject." Babbling turned in the opposite direction to head to her desk, but she glanced back one more time.

"Mister Riddle?" She called, her oval-shaped spectacles gleaming in the light of the classroom. Tom glanced at the teacher, feigning respect and charm.

"Yes, professor?" Rosalind was almost fooled by his façade. She was so used to him as the mean, evil dark-lord-wannabe than the charming sixteen year old boy.

"How about you tutor Miss Bonaccord during your free time, seeing as you are the best in this class?" The Professor requested, but everyone knew that it was more of an order.

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