46|| Unrequited Love.

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I don't want your body

But I hate to think about you with somebody else

Our love has gone cold

You're intertwining your soul with somebody else

~Somebody Else by The 1975


THE TRIP BACK TO Hogwarts was long and tiring. Rosalind found Oliver, choosing to stay with the grieving boy instead of Tom and his Knights. He kept staring out the window, not sparing Rosalind a glance as he probably reminisced his memories with Willow.

Rosalind wondered what his reaction would be if she told him she was leaving Hogwarts completely, at the end of their school year. She even questioned if he would care that much. How close was she to Oliver? Now that she thought about it, not that much. She'd been caught up with Tom and his plans all year-round, not paying much attention to her friends.

It really made her sad, she loved her friends –or whoever was left of them– but she wouldn't miss them as much as Tom. She'd grown so attached to the Slytherin. She twirled his ring around her finger, deep in thought as well.

But of course Oliver cared, the time they'd passed together was always light-hearted and fun. Even if she didn't spend time with him as much as with Willow, the boy managed to gain a special spot in her heart. She would never forget her friends, even if the time she'd spent with them was less than a year.

Maybe someday she'd be able to come back, maybe she'd be able to see Oliver again. She looked at him, she could imagine him working in the ministry, flirting his way through everything. She could imagine him with a family of his own. Oliver had a bright future.

She didn't, though. Anyone succumbing to Grindelwald willingly did not have a bright future. For the first time since the previous summer, Rosalind truly thought about her future. It was funny, she could see everyone's future but hers. Would Grindelwald want to kill her? Was that it? Rosalind had a lot of dreams to fulfil. She wanted to get a job, to have a family, just the basic dream life. But of course it all had to be shattered, by none other than the Dark Lord.

Nevertheless, if he didn't kill her, what would he do? She didn't think she'd be of any use to him. She was just a teenage witch, a bright one, but Rosalind was sure he would recruit older and more experienced people than her. She did not have an answer.

Her contradicting thoughts were interrupted when Oliver looked at her, speaking for the first time that day. "I really miss her."

She could see the sorrow in his eyes as he mentioned their long lost friend. "I know. I do too."

"This is the first time I sit in a compartment without her, actually. Everything will be ten times worse when we get to Hogwarts," he wiped his eyes as he spoke, causing Rosalind to leave her place and sit next to him.

She wrapped him in a warm hug, it almost felt motherly. Rosalind stroked his hair softly, feeling her heart ache at the pain he was enduring.

"I don't think I was ready for this," he confessed, his arms wrapped tightly around her back, his head resting on her chest. He desperately needed that hug.

She wasn't exactly good at consoling others, but this time she felt capable, because she truly understood him. His misery was the same as hers.

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