7|| Abraxas Malfoy.

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FRIDAY WAS ALWAYS THE day Rosalind would be absolutely exhausted. She always exerted her energy on acing her assignments during the week, and by the time it's Friday, and the students are balancing on the edge of their seats –waiting to launch towards their beloved weekend– the adolescents would be completely drained.

It was one of those Fridays, precisely the ninth of October.

Herbology with Herbert Beery was a struggle, with none of Rosalind's friends there to accompany her. But things were different during Defence Against the Dark Arts, with Abraxas Malfoy.

"Abraxas, you're burning a hole through my face," Rosalind snapped after ten minutes consisting of Abraxas Malfoy staring and her ignoring.

The blonde boy's eyes widened as a light blush creeped on his ashen face. She held back the chuckle that threatened to escape her lips.

"I zoned out," he lied meekly, particularly avoiding looking to his right side, where Rosalind sat.

She scoffed in return, pondering on whether to speak of her sentiments to the Malfoy heir or not. "You've been acting weirder than ever, Malfoy," Rosalind finally remarked, looking straight into his steely eyes.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he started, but the professor had already walked into the class.

Rosalind sighed exasperatedly, replying with a "You know very well what I'm talking about. Since you mentioned Tom–" but was interrupted by Galatea Merrythought's voice.

"Today, each one of you should be performing the Stunning spell and its counter-curse on your partner. You will be practicing until you master it." Merrythought turned around to write some notes on the chalkboard, and Rosalind took the chance to whisper into Malfoy's ear.

"I expect to see you in the library by five. We do have important matters to discuss."

Malfoy let out a breath of exasperation, yet sent a brief nod her way.


Rosalind tapped her fingers on the library's table impatiently. Abraxas was ten minutes late, which raised her suspicions that he decided to ditch their meeting and avoid her.

The library was dead silent, only the occasional flutter of the pages could be heard every now and then. She traced the spine of the tattered leather book that sat in her lap, The Imperius Curse and How to Abuse It.  It was a book she'd secretly 'borrowed' from the restricted section. She needed such books when there's an evil psychopath threatening her.

Rosalind was staring at her book when she felt someone sit in the chair across from her.

"Go ahead, detective Bonaccord. You may start your investigation," Abraxas Malfoy drawled, staring blankly at the french blonde ahead of him.

"You're late." She noticed how unsettled he looked, by his disheveled hair and his nervous eyes that wouldn't dare fix on hers for a moment.

"So?" Abraxas quirked an eyebrow, his arms crossed against his chest, he looked slightly more comfortable.

"I don't appreciate people who don't take my arrangements seriously," Rosalind retorted, being her observant self and watching his actions apprehensively. He still refused to maintain eye contact.

"And I don't care. Now tell me what's that important matter you want to discuss, Bonaccord." Rosalind glowered at the blonde git before her, yet sat straighter in her seat, and cleared her throat to begin speaking.

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