6|| Ethereal Ballerina.

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IT HAD BEEN A MONTH since Rosalind's 'date' with Riddle. Although, she knew it was nothing near a date.

Tom Riddle was still cold and mean towards her, as usual, but she could tell that he was watching her every move.

She knew he was plotting something that had to do with her. It was almost obvious how she seemed to run into one of his 'friends' every time she walked around the Wizarding school. Evan Rosier would always be reading in the same corner as her, although his eyes not skimming the pages, but fixed on Rosalind. Marden Mulciber often followed her down the halls, and Roderick Lestrange always sat near her in classes they shared.

She wondered how daft they were, thinking she wouldn't notice.

And then there was Abraxas Malfoy. He was acting weirder than ever after their little chat in the library. He wouldn't insult her and argue with her at every word, he just ignored her.

But Rosalind seemed to forget about all the struggles when she spent time with her best friends. Currently, the three of them were seated across the crackling flames of the Ravenclaw common room.

"How about we spend tomorrow night by the Black Lake?" Willow suggested, hugging her knees to her chest, resting on the velvet blue couch.

"I have Prefect duties tomorrow," Oliver replied apologetically, staring at the flames ahead.

Rosalind stared outside the large window of the common room, which usually held mesmerising scenes beyond.

The sky was painted a dark, mysterious hue. No stars were twinkling that night, only the full moon gleaming upon them, and basking their home with a creepy glow.

She felt the silence creep its way around them, no disturbance but the soft ticking of the clock. 10:14.

"I've been hearing some rumours lately," Oliver broke the silence with a soft murmur.

"Of course you've been, Prefects always know everything when it comes to anything about Hogwarts," Willow complained as Rosalind faltered her gaze from the window to the Ravenclaw prefect seated across from her.

"No, this one's interesting, I heard the Gryffindor Head Girl the other day. I think Slughorn's insisting on hoasting a Halloween Ball this month," Oliver explained briefly, and Rosalind could tell that he was slightly excited.

"Bloody hell! A ball, seriously Slughorn?!" Willow growled, "I hate these stuff. Dress all fancy and find a date, I hate balls."

"You don't." Rosalind smirked at her friend beside her, attempting to cool her temper. Oliver got the reference, and he couldn't help the snicker that escaped his lips as Willow's cheeks reddened- not with embarrassment, but with fury.

"I mean, come on Willow, the only thing you actually like is Quidditch," Oliver prompted, grinning from ear to ear.

"Everyone likes Quidditch!" Rosalind was startled when Willow jumped in her seat, waving her hands around. The latter was definitely offended for her position as the Ravenclaw Keeper.

"I don't," Oliver countered.

"Me neither," Rosalind smiled humorously as the redhead huffed in annoyance, shooting them both dirty looks.

"We're just messing with you, Willie," Oliver said smoothly, as he got up from the armchair across from them, and placed himself between his two best friends.

"Besides, I think the ball would include an invitation for Beauxbatons and Durmstrang. You're going to see some family, Rosa," He mocked as he wrapped his arms around them both, pulling them closer towards him.

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