18|| Attractive Tutor.

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Close your eyes and I'll try to get in

To waken your heart like the spring

'Cause I was born to touch your feelings

~Born To Touch Your Feelings by Scorpions


"CAN YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE it?! A second year Hufflepuff was petrified yesterday," Fionna Green explained, already dressed and prepared to head for breakfast.

"Again?! Merlin's beard! There's got to be something wrong," Willow exclaimed, curling her fiery red hair using a spell. That was one of the few things the redhead excelled at, besides Quidditch.

It was Saturday, just a day after the Slug Club meeting. Willow was getting ready to go to Hogsmeade right after breakfast. Rosalind would've gone with her too, but Tom had insisted the previous night to tutor her on Runes. "I don't want Babbling to think that I'm incapable of tutoring a petty Ravenclaw," was Tom's excuse as he escorted her to the Ravenclaw common room late last night.

Rosalind stared outside their dormitory window, feeling the blessing of the position of the Ravenclaw tower.

The weather was starting to get colder, having been mid-November. The sky was coloured in various shades of grey, having a dull hue and dark clouds threatening to rain.

"How do you know anyway?" Rosalind asked tactfully, curious as to why Fionna always seemed to have the news of the school. The latter seemed somehow offended by such question, answering hastily, "Malcolm told me this morning. He was the one who found him while patrolling."

Willow wriggled her eyebrows at the brunette suggestively, the latter rolling her eyes at her roommate's implications.

"Someone's getting all lovey dovey, I see," Willow teased, now done with her mid-lengthed hair.

Fionna just groaned, making Rosalind let out an unlady-like snort.

"Well Malcolm Urquhart is still better than Tom Riddle," Willow directed her words to Rosalind, indirectly defending Fionna. She always had to bring that topic up.

"And Tom is better than Zhelyazko Vandalov, at least in my point of view," Rosalind quipped, crossing her arms angrily. She was already seated in her bed, completely ready.

"Oh so it's a competition now?" Willow retaliated, and Fionna just watched amusedly.

"Believe me, Vandalov couldn't even be compared to Tom." Rosalind was completely convinced by her words, although it didn't exclude Tom's evilness and power. Tom was cleverer, much more handsome and powerful, but also more evil than the bulky Bulgarian.

"Zhelyazko was at least a nice guy!" Willow defended, quite ridiculously in Rosalind's opinion.

"What do you even know about him that makes you say that?" She knew it was a good question, for Willow knew nothing of Vandalov's dark purposes and his connection to the Dark Lord.

"What do you know about Riddle, huh? Do you think you know that dark boy too well?" Willow's words actually hit Rosalind hard. It made her come to the realisation that she didn't know anything about Tom. She didn't know anything about his family, his life outside Hogwarts, or even his plans that she had to assist in.

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