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I paint the sky black
You said if you could have your way
You'd make it nighttime all today
So it'd suit the mood with your soul

Oh, what can I do?
Nothing, my sparrow blue

Oh, what can I do?
Life is beautiful, but you don't have a clue
Sun and ocean blue
Their magnificence, it don't make sense to you

Black beauty,
Black beauty

I paint the house black
My wedding dress black leather too
You have no room for light
Love is lost on you

I keep my lips red
To seem like cherries in the spring
Darling, you can't let everything
Seem so dark blue

But oh, what can I do?
To turn you on or get through you?

Oh, what can I do?
Life is beautiful, but you don't have a clue
Sun and ocean blue
Their magnificence, it don't make sense to you

Black beauty,
Black beauty

~Black Beauty by Lana Del Rey


"SO YOU'RE TELLING ME, that you've never gotten any detentions before? Not even in Beauxbatons?" Noah asked in amazement, his eyes wide as he sipped on his coffee.

Rosalind was out on her 'date' with Noah, as Willow had insisted to call it. They were seated in one of the booths in Madame Puddifoot's, where she'd ordered a milkshake and he black coffee.

"Nope, never," She admitted, feeling a blush find its way on her cheeks as Noah stared at her in astonishment.

"Wow, I think I've been to detentions more than classes," He confessed, slouching back in his seat comfortably.

"You're a troublemaker, what can I say?"

Noah chuckled, sitting back straight and leaning closer on the table separating them.

"How are you adjusting here? Is England a lot different than France?" He asked curiously, after explaining to her that he was originally American, and went to America every summer.

She shrugged, "They're both really nice, I guess."

"So, you're the Quidditch captain of the Hufflepuff team," She tried to change the subject, unwilling to remember her memories in France.

"Oh yes, I play Seeker. Do you like Quidditch?" Noah seemed even more excited to speak about his favourite sport, which he excelled at.

"I don't mind watching it. But I'm not much into playing."

"Oh, that's a shame. I think I'll continue playing Quidditch professionally after Hogwarts," Noah kept blabbering on and on about his love for Quidditch, his tactics and the couple of times Hufflepuff won the Quidditch Cup.

They kept asking and answering questions, and she actually had a chance to mention Willow and Oliver to him. Noah also told her about his friends, James Diggory, Beatrice Abbot and Omar Sultan. They both agreed to go out as a group on their next trip to Hogsmeade. She couldn't wait to get back to Hogwarts and tell Willow. The redhead would be ecstatic.

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