Chapter 1- Awakening

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My head was searing with pain, my whole body ached. Is this what death felt like? If it is then I'd rather go back to my hectic life revolved around work than die.

I could hear something in the background, someone talking, it sounded like the presenter from Fox News. I slowly allowed myself to tear open my eyes. A light shone directly at the corner of my eyes blinding me again. I grunted and kicked my legs. The pain seeped through my body again sending shocks of agony through my whole body. It felt like I was on fire. I turned around, away from the light source so I could open my eyes, again my body felt as though it was going to give up on me.

I tore open my eyes one more time. It was dark apart from the light coming from behind me and completely soundless apart from the noises coming from behind and my heavy breathing. I sat up on the grey sofa I was laying on and looked down at my leg. It was wrapped up in a white bandage which had been stained with my blood. I touched my leg, examining it, guessing it was the cause of all the pain.

I looked around the small, dark room I was in. There was only one grey sofa, the walls were painted black and there was one small window covered with grey curtains. The source of light was coming from a T.V which was placed in front of the sofa I was sitting on. It was Fox News. The Headlines read:

House Fire In Detroit - House burnt down in ashes a couple found dead however there's no sign of the daughter.

I sat up straight now, in front of the T.V screen ignoring the annoying burning sensation coming from my leg. The news reporter was now on screen ready to discuss the breaking news. I listened carefully as he spoke.

"A resident house just in the south of Detroit has been burnt down into complete ashes. Two bodies have been discovered at the scene and as seen from the forensic reports which have come through they are proved to be the bodies of Mr. Princeton Ford and Mrs. Vanessa Ford. Both were true, respected citizens of the United States of America. Nothing has been recovered from the house however police are in search of young Kayla Ford age 18 who was the daughter of this couple. There is no sign of her or her body at the crime scene, this is a picture of the young teenage girl":

I saw my face flash up on the screen and then after two long minutes it was removed. He carried on with the news report. "The girl was last seen with two of her friends from the neighbourhood. After a quick talk with the friends we found that she had returned home at about eleven fifteen yesterday night after spending the night with her friends at the cinema. When questioned about her behaviour that night the friends claimed they saw no suspicious behavior coming from her and that she was in fact acting normal and was happy. If you see this girl please make sure you contact the police on 911 and let them know. Neighbors claim to have heard gunshots at around half past eleven. They contacted the police as soon as they saw what was going on. When visiting the crime scene Kayla Ford's phone was found with the number 911 dialed on the screen....."

I looked at the scene of the news report. It was placed outside what was meant to be a nice, traditional Detroit house with an open porch and a driveway in which a big black Jeep was parked along with a BMW. On the left was meant to be a garage with a blue painted exterior. But instead there were remains of something that looked like it had once been a welcoming family house.

I could feel the emotions wrestling with each other inside me, I let my tears flow down my cheeks. Was it possible that the house on the T.V screen was my house? Was it possible that in a few seconds time my house was burnt down?

I closed my eyes. This is all a dream, I told myself, none of it's happened it's just a dream. It was such a good day remember? Your last day at work, a day you could keep your pay and you could go out with your friends. I could almost smell a whiff of my mom's vegetable lasagne. The tears raced down my cheeks more ferociously. I opened my eyes only to see myself staring back at me from the T.V screen.

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