Chapter 17- Trust

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"Kayla," Celia exclaimed. "Do you ever think we can go back to normality?"

"Well, never say never," I reassured. "Did you sleep well?"

Celia nodded. It had been a week since me and Damon had gone to visit Alex at the hospital and I couldn't help but feel guilt every time I'd see Celia because I felt as I'd deceived her by not telling her the truth. But, every time I had the urge to tell her the thought that I could be endangering her haunted me. Damon was right, the less Celia knew about anything, the better.

"Celia?" I muttered thinking about how to ask her the questions that had arisen in my mind since my visit with Alex.

"Yeah," she replied making me jump, as I was still lost in thought trying to figure out how I should phrase the question without giving away the fact that I had visited Alex.

"Sorry, I didn't think you'd heard what I'd said," I responded. "I was just wanting to ask about after I left, how were you and Alex?"

Celia took a deep breath before responding. "Well, we weren't exactly that close," she responded. "We were just coping. Neither of us knew what we'd gotten ourselves into."

I nodded understandingly, that's exactly what Alex had said.

"Did you ever believe the news?" I quizzed.

"Well," she emphasised, "there were times when nothing other than the news made sense to me. You'd understand if you were in my situation. But never did I think you were capable of doing something that big. I was just confused."

"Well, I see you later I gotta go," I stated walking myself out.

"Kayla," Celia started. "How well do you know Damon?"

Confused, I turned to Celia in scrutiny.

"I don't," I replied. "Why?"

"Well, don't you wonder why he'd want to help you? Like is it normal for someone to help a stranger when they're at such a vulnerable stage in their life? Especially if he could go down for it." Questions blew out from Celia's mouth left, right and centre.

"I've thought about it a lot Celia and the truth is, I don't have answers to any of those questions." I answered helplessly. "But he's helped me a lot and do I have any other choice but to trust him?"

Celia was right, I didn't know that I could trust Damon but what else could be done? And after seeing Alex, the idea of going to the police for help had been thrown right out of the window. I'd always thought that as an American citizen I was protected by the law of my country, by the police force, but I now I knew I had gotten it so wrong. In the real world you can't 'trust' anyone. Trust is just a five-letter word you learn at school along with all the other linguistics, it's just a word with an outcast meaning, a word that reflects the poverty of the world.

"How was Celia?" Damon asked.

"Alive," I replied.

Days had past but there were still no answers. We'd been through the version of events hundreds of times and the video that was posted to us hadn't even had time to deposit dust, that's how many times we'd placed it in and out of the CD player, playing it from different parts but all of this still lead us back to one place: square one.

"Damon?" I breathed.

"Yeah?" He replied whilst studying the pictures he'd taken of Bill's murder scene.

"How do I know I can trust you?" I questioned.

"Are you seriously doubting me right now?" He expressed in disbelief. "After everything I've done for you. You're delusional."

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