Chapter 20- The Message

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It had been two days since I'd returned the PSS. There was still no sign of Damon and I hadn't been in contact with Celia either. Mia had been working on identifying the person in the photograph whilst Travis was still trying to decode the password to Gerald's laptop.  

I caught up to Andrew to see whether he could help me get in touch with Alex or Celia, she was probably worried sick that I hadn't gone to check up on her.

"My friends Celia and Alex... they're still out there."

He walked so fast I had to try catch my breath as I spoke.

"Alex is in a public space he should be fine for now." He stated.

"Safe? Can't you remember what I told you? Them people did this to him, you know what they're capable of," I ranted. "You have to save him before they decide he's no good to them and finish him off."

"Now I know they won't do that," he laughed.

"What's so funny," I scolded, I was being serious, and he was making a joke out of this. Unbelievable. Alex was fighting between life and death and all Andre was doing has laughing.

"Look right now I can't be worrying a kid I have a case on my hands and I'm sure you would want to find answers as much as me, so, please just focus." And with them words he walked away from me.

Andrew was a level-headed person; I knew that but what I hadn't realised was that he could be so cold hearted. Yes, I wanted to know what happened to my parents, but I also couldn't risk others dying especially not my best friend. If Andrew wasn't going to listen to me, I knew someone who would. Charles- I still felt guilty for judging him so quickly and the fact that he was nice and sympathetic towards me made me feel even worse about myself. 

As I made my way Charles' office I bumped into Sheila, my face lit up, she reminded me a little of Celia and I felt bad for what I had done to her. We'd become friends, we were building a bond and I had broken it, but I still didn't know how she felt towards me as she'd avoided me ever since I'd step foot back at the PSS. Unsurprisingly she still avoided me but this time she'd failed because I'd seen her look up and then try walk the other way.

"Sheila!" I ran to her side stopping her from going any further. 

"What?" She scowled. 

"Sheila, I'm sorry," I begged. "Please forgive me, I didn't mean to, I didn't know you guys well enough to be able to trust you."

"Well I don't know you well enough either," she stated angrily, "and I still don't. I was wrong to trust you. You think you can beg me for forgiveness and I'll forgive you straight away like everybody else. I'm not like the rest and I don't feel sorry for you either. You just like digging yourself a bigger hole each time. Just get out of my way I have to go run some errands." 

She darted past me and never looked back. She had every right to be angry at me I would be too. Heavy hearted I continued making my way to Charles' office, he was busy working on Bill's murder scene trying to find a flaw, or a reason for Gerald to be worried resulting in him paying a visit to the Stark law firm. Hesitantly I knocked on the door, trying not to disturb him or make him jump. He turned around and signalled for me to come in.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Ready?" I frowned in confusion.

"Yes," he stated. "Isn't that why you're here? I thought Andrew would've told you."

"No..." I trailed off trying to recall whether Andrew had mentioned anything to me but I couldn't remember him saying anything. 

"We're going to record you," he explained. "I have a script of the things you need to say I want you to memorise as well as you can."

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