Chapter 11- Deja Vu

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Standing outside the casino a feeling of deja vu swept past, we walked inside and sat at the same seats we did the first time. We looked around trying to find Bill but he was nowhere to be seen, even his phone had been switched off for the past hour or so. What was he playing at? When had this turned into a game of hide and seek all of a sudden?

"I'll take the bathroom," Damon whispered into my ear as he stood up. "Maybe man's got issues."

"Am I blind or can you not see him either?" Mia asked.

"I think we're both blind," I replied.

After a while Damon returned, he looked a little scared and agitated.

"Guys something weird is going on here, no lie," he stated, in a panicked tone.

"Yes we know," Mia slurred as she continued to down her 7th glass of beer.

"No seriously. I was using the urinal and when I flushed it this came out." He shakily pulled a tatty looking note out of his pocket and placed it in front of us.

"Eww," Mia squealed, "It stinks of piss bro."

Holding my nose I tried to read it.

You're too late. Enjoy the beer.

Mia spat out the beer from her mouth and started sniffing the glass. Eyes started turning in our direction. Trying to be as discreet as possible I nudged Mia.

"I thought we were supposed to be blending in," I whispered.

"What? I was just checking to see whether it was poisoned." She reasoned.

"What do you think the note means?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," Damon shrugged, still a little shaken.

"I'm gonna be sick," Mia moaned holding her belly.

"I'll take her to the car and be right back," Damon sighed as he hauled the now wasted Mia off the chair over his shoulder.

"I'll wait around see if Bill pops up," I responded trying to look for Bill.

After what had felt like hours Bill still hadn't appeared. It was nearly 12 am. He wasn't responding to his phone either, which had now come back on again as the calls and messages were going through. Damon wasn't back yet and I was becoming restless. Where was this creep? The bar had started to become busier. Without thinking I got up and decided to walk towards the room Bill had said my dad used to rent out. Maybe he was waiting for me there and just expected I'd turn up. It was better than just sitting at the bar I guess.

As I walked down to go to the room I was stopped by a chubby looking hairy guy, he was one of the bartenders I'd come across the first time I'd come to this place.

"Hey! Whatcha doing here?" He shouted as he walked over to me.

"I- erm..." I started, trying to think of an excuse.

"Ahh, you're that lass our chap Bill's with ain't ya?" He stated pointing at me.

I nodded my head.

"He goes on about ya all the bloody time. I actually thought you would've gone with him to ya know Greece." He added.

"Greece?" I asked confused.

"Yeah. Wha- wait you don't know?" He asked amazed.

"Oh no, erm, actually he might've said something about it but I've got a real bad memory," I laughed off nervously.

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