Chapter 7- Knock Knock

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It had been three days since Alex had been arrested. News reporters, the FBI, CIA, everyone still out to get me, or Kayla Ford should I say, huh. It took time to get used to the new name, I still might not respond to Amnesia at times, looking around to see who's being called but it was definitely getting better. Being Amnesia definitely took away the publicity and the risk of being locked away for something I didn't even do; however, it still didn't take away the nightmares which haunted me day out day in, I still couldn't sleep properly, that night still played through my head every time I closed my eyes and the dark suffocated me.

My head was still banging as I walked out of the lounge after breakfast. Sheila had rushed into call me, apparently it was an urgent message, Andrew, Charles and Arnold (who was the chief of the Patriots Secret Service, a short stubby, old man) wanted to see me as soon as possible in the boardroom. Arnold wasn't too bad, he was nice and understanding but just a little sexist but I guess his age explains a lot of his views, not saying they're right though.

"I wonder what it is," Sheila wondered out loudly.

"I don't know," I replied.

"Whatever it is I think it's important though, I mean they seemed darn right serious." She said whilst out of breath as we climbed the stairs.

Over the past few days me, Sheila and Travis had grown a little close, we spent quite a lot of time together and we'd become really good friends. That was a good thing as it had helped get my mind clear of everything during the day at least, although it did remind me a little of Celia and Alex.

"Since Chum Chum has come, Andrew and Charles have totally been acting like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, like following his orders in military fashion. It's like Charles wasn't even anywhere to be seen a few weeks ago and now he's become just as important as Andrew telling everyone what to do." Sheila ranted.

Sheila loved giving everyone nicknames, Chum Chum was what she called Arnold because apparently he looked like the cartoon character from Fanboy and Chum Chum. Tweedle Dee: Andrew, and Tweedle Dum: Charles. According to Sheila they had been acting slightly weird since Arnold had come, being more strict. Also she was probably a little angry because she had been removed from working on a project due to her lack of attention and work ethic, as she'd walked into a meeting hungover and had thrown up all over Charles.

We finally reached the boardroom. Charles, Andrew, Arnold and Tracy were all waiting for us. Tracy was Travis' twin sister, she was also an agent, in contrast to Travis her hair wasn't Afro-like instead it was dark brown waves, she had position of Arnold's personal assistant.

"Amnesia," Arnold greeted.

"Hi," I responded.

"I know the past few days, week nearly has been tough on you," Arnold sighed. "However, we need to make a move... we need to try and start to gather every piece of information together as to who could've killed Vanessa and Princeton before it's too late."

He paused for a few seconds before continuing.

"If we don't make a move now, before we know it any evidence leading to the real killer or killers could be destroyed, leaving just you as the prime suspect for the agencies and police forces."

My heart leapt at the sound of that but I knew that what he was saying was true, we had to do something before this mystery killer carried on aiming at me from every angle.

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