Chapter 25- Unveiled

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My lungs ached as I frantically gasped for breath. My eyes felt as if they were glued together, I was about to rub my eyes when I realised, I couldn't move my arms, horrified my eyes shot open. As I looked around my eyes continued to widen. There were brick walls surrounding me, everywhere I looked I'd come face-to-face with another brick wall. In front of me my legs were tied up with rope.

How did I get to this place? I was with Sheila at the hospital, then how on earth did I get to this dark, dingy cellar. More importantly where was Charles?

Sheila moved next to me, making me jump, I was too busy gaping at the surroundings I hadn't even noticed her presence. Her eyes widened as she looked at me and then around her. She pointed to my face.

"Y-y-your face!" She screamed. "Your hair!"

A streak of auburn hair swung on to my face, making me gasp. The black hair, Amnesia's black hair, the bangs, they were.... Gone?

"Your mask has gone," she exclaimed. "Your back to Kayla again."

"Where are we? Where's Charles? How did we get here?" The questions came out of my mouth in one breath.

But it wasn't long until we found out, the answer to our questions was close by. A female figure emerged from the shadows; it wasn't until she was close to us that her face became visible. My jaw dropped so much that I fell as if the bottom half of my face had fallen off. I felt like there was a brick sitting on my chest, weighing it down and that my lungs were going to deflate any second. My tied-up limbs weakened by the second as I tried to blink her away.

No. It couldn't be, I told myself. Kayla, don't judge, don't jump to conclusions remember. She's probably here to rescue us, right?

But her stance said otherwise. A grin was plastered to her face as she looked me up and down.

I finally broke the silence. "Ce-Ce?" I made out weakly, my voice cracking. "Ce-Ce, you're safe. Please help me."

Her grin widened and broke into a laugh.

"Help?" She laughed. "Why would I want to do that?"

My face turned into a frown. Was this the same Celia I knew? What had happened to her? What if it was someone in disguise pretending to be Celia?

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Me?" she questioned looking around her sarcastically. "I'm Celia, Celia Gerald Ohio, but who are you? Kayla Ford?"

She cackled so loud, her voice echoed in the dungeon we were held hostage in, piercing our ears. My heart started to race; my head spun in confusion. Celia... Celia was Gerald's daughter? THE Gerald? Gerald from the CIA?!

"Celia, why are you doing this? What are you talking about? I don't get it. Is Gerald making you do this?" The questions darted out of my mouth.

"Gerald can't make me do anything," her tone changed, she clenched her fists as she uttered his name. "As of today, he's of no use."

"What have you done with him?" Sheila interrupted.

"Nothing," Celia wiped her hands, "see, I let him live, he listened to me and did as I said."

"Celia, this isn't you," I exclaimed.

"What do you know about me?" She shot back. "You don't even know who you are let alone anyone else. All these years and you couldn't recognise me."

My face scrunched up as I tried to find a flaw in her facial expression, to try prove she was lying, that she was being forced into saying all of this. But either she was an extremely good actress, or I was just as bad as telling whether someone was lying as I was at lying myself.

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