The battle of the Roseroad

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In the morning Vis is very tired just like she is every morning and wishes she was back in kingslanding when there was nothing to do and she could just sleep for as long as she wanted.

"Lizzy, we should get up" Jamie says, groaning and kissing her on the forehead.

"I know we should. Also my name isn't elizabeth any longer, you could call me Vis" she replies sleepily.

"Vizzy" he mumbles and she sighs before pushing herself off the bed and beginning to get dressed. He does the same a moment later and they both leave their tent while the sky is still dark but slowly getting lighter. Pretty much everyone else is up and moving, packing away the tents and making sure everything is ready for the battle.

"Stay safe today," she tells him while they walk to the main tent

"Always, just promise that you will do the same. When we go back to kingslanding you shall have to get metal armour that fits. You look like you are from the north"

"Well, I did grow up there and i didn't have time to get armour made so my leather tunic with metal shoulders will have to do" she says with a smile. They walk into the main tent and find Lord tywin there in his armour while some soldier pack everything away.

"Mace Tyrell has big crossbows that shoot harpoons to take your dragons down" tywin says.

"Right, whereabouts are these things so I can burn them first?"

"Dotted all around the battlefield. He has six in total" tywin replies

"Right, other than that is everything else alright?"


"Brilliant. Well, what are we waiting for?" She says and smiles nervously.

"Breakfast" Jamie deadpans. About twenty minutes later they've eaten and are ready to go. "I really don't think you should ride Gertrude, not now when they have harpoon shooters"

"Listen, I'll be grand. I'll just zig zag round a bit. See you later" she kisses him and walks over to where Gertrude has landed. She climbs on and blows him a Lis before Gertrude turns around and begins to walk to its position on the battlefield. The horns hoot from both sides of the field and the cavalry gallop closer to each other while the foot soldiers begin their quick march. She takes off into the sky just as the cavalry clash. "Dracarys" she says and fire bursts from her dragons' mouths, torching men below. First she heads for the harpoons, torching them and the men about to fire. She has already burned five of them but can't find the other so she gets to burning the foot soldiers. Shields are raised but nothing can escape the fire when it burns their way. Then, when half the field is burnt or burning a harpoon shoots up at her, narrowly missing. Her eyes scour the ground until she finds it, camouflaged around trees and bushes. Straight towards it she flies. "Dracarys" she says again and fire erupts just as the man fires his own shot.

It sinks deep into Gertrude's shoulder and both mother and child scream while plummeting to the ground. On the ground Vis jumps off and desperately tries to wrench it free of her child shoulder but it is firmly lodged. Men begin to run towards her, some lannisters, some Tyrell's, so she draws her sword and starts to cut down the Tyrell's while several lannisters manage to pull out the harpoon so that Gertrude can fly away to lick out the wound. Sylvester and Deborah continue to spurt their fire and the bloody battle continues. Vis finds herself surrounded Tyrell's and lannisters, everyone too close to be able to swing their swords and too close to draw their daggers. The ground is a slip and slide field of mud, blood and ash with bodies piled on top of each other, some dead, some wriggling. If you fall you will get trampled to death, that fact is nonnegotiable.

Now the arrows come, one narrowly misses her head and she lets out a very loud scream as it impales the face of the man beside her. Everyone panics. Everyone tries to run. Everyone fails miserably and the arrows keep coming. Vis manages to hide beneath someone's shield and break and arrowhead of off someone's chest, using it like a climbing spike. When the next rain of arrows comes she is very grateful for the shield. Then, out of nowhere she sees while scales above her and grabs hold of them, pulling herself above the other bodies and letting Sylvester fly/drag her away to where there are only a few bodies dotted around.

"Thank you baby" she says as Sylvester flies away. She can tell Gertrude and Sylvester need a rest after almost two hours of torching people but the battle seems to be coming to a close which is good. Digging her fingernails into the mud to try and get a grip she touches off a sword hilt and grabs it, using it to push herself off the ground, a few fleeing men come her way and try to cut her down, knowing who she is. She stabs the first one in the neck but the other three circle her, pointing their swords to her neck.

"Drop the sword" one of them orders and slowly she bends down, carefully placing the sword of the ground before standing upright again. "Hold you hands in the air" he commands, visibly relieved that she was doing as he said.

"Congratulations, you have captured the mother of dragons. But the thing is, you have been so preoccupied with your captive that you have forgotten to look behind you. Yes, look behind you and see what I am seeing" she bluffs and they all make nervous peeks behind them, lowering their swords just enough for her to kick one of them in the balls so that he kneels in pain. She stabs another in the eye and jumps on the third so that he is on the ground and she can slit his throat. The one whose balls were kicked tries to charge at her and wrestled her to the ground, trying to knock her unconscious with his head.

Vis pushes him off her and picks up a shield, bringing it down again and again on his face until brains and blood squirt out. She wipes the blood from her nose and staggers away, leaning on her sword for support until her head clears itself up. In the distance she sees mace Tyrell surrounded by horsed and armoured men galloping away for their lives. She also sees Jamie on his horse galloping after them. They disappear into the woods and liz looks around for a horse to follow them but can't find one, and if she does then it will probably be dead.

"Fuck this" she mutters as she slips on a body, landing face first in a pool of blood. At least the battle has now been won, but still no sign of Jamie. After pushing herself to her feet she staggers back to the camp, praying that Jamie is alright.

It isn't until that night when the bodies on the battlefield have been burned that she hears word of Jamie. Mace Tyrell is dead, killed by Jamie, but there were to many guards there and he was captured. He should be in highgarden soon. Because of this they set off at first light for highgarden.

I fucking hate camhs but I can't just say fuck you to them and dramatically walk out cuz I need my Prozac prescription which is v annoying. Pieta house is so much better.

Also my mum has started reading asoiaf (she hasn't watched show) and she is kinda shocked that she let me read them over the summer but little does she know that I've been a fan for years. You see, I was eleven and I had just read lotr so I wanted some really good fantasy. She had bought agot at a charity shop but never read. I managed to read about ninety pages before her Facebook friends told her to take it away. But then after several weeks of waiting I took the book up to my room and read it. It was another year until I was in a bookshop without her and I bought the second one with some clothes to hide it in. And also when season six aired I would wait until everyone was in bed and sneak downstairs to watch it lol. My mum and dad think I'm new to the fandom lol


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