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 " Hey, how do you know a Frenchman's has been in your backyard?" Chris questions them. This joke has been told before, yet somehow always brings a laugh up from their guts.

" Hey, I'm french, okay," Teddy tells him, moving his cards around.

" Your garbage cans are empty and your dog's pregnant," Chris answers. They all burst into laughter, well except Teddy for Dylan. Teddy acts offended, even though he's the one who told us the joke in the first place. Dylan just didn't find it funny, as he heard Teddy say it one too many times.

" Didn't I just say I was French?"

" I knock," Chris smiles smugly, hitting the table once more. Dylan bit his lip, something he does when lies or is very happy. " Twenty-nine."

" Twenty-two," Teddy groans.

" Piss up a rope!" Gordie exclaims, throwing his cards. Another laugh escapes Dylan and Chris. Teddy lets out a tee-hee that sounds like a hyena (truly).

" Gordie's out. Oh, Gordie just but the bag and stepped out the door! C'mon Dylan what you got?" Teddy teases, grinning with a cigarette in his mouth.

" Thirty," Dylan answers. A dumb grin escapes from the lip biting on my face.

" You lying bitch! Let me see!" Chris yells, snatching my cards from Dylan's grasp. His eyes colored a shade of baby blue, move left to right. With a sigh, Chris throws the cards at the latter's face, a small shriek leaving his lips. " God I hate you Dyl."

" Love you too Chris," Dylan side-hugs Chris, hoping to calm the boy down. The blond's skin becomes a light pink instead of the tan it usually was. " Teddy, man, deal 'em." The three continue playing, Gordie sitting back and reading a comic book.

photographs | chris chambers ✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat