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 " Have you guys been watching Mickey Mouse Club lately? I think Annette's tits are getting bigger." Dylan rolls his eyes, not caring for the subject. His falls against the rustic vehicle behind him, a sigh leaving him.

 " Think so?"

 " Yeah."

 " Yeah. I think he's right. I've been noticing lately that the A and E are beginning to bend around the sides." Gordie creates a weird U shape with his finger to prove his point. The guys laughing as Dylan looks around the junkyard, trying to distract himself.

 " Annette's tits are great!"

 " Yeah."

 Peaceful silence emits through the yard. It's broken after a few moments, one of the boys spitting from their canteen into the can, the rest following in suit. Dylan simpered, looking pleased as he makes it first try. Teddy takes a massive mouthful of his water, before spitting on Vern. Vern whines as the rest roll on in the dirt in fits of laughter, even Dylan.

 " Great, spit on the fat kid. Real good," Vern complains, wiping his face with the bottom of his shirt." What time is it, Gordie?"

 " Uhm-It's a quarter after one, Vern."

 " We better go get food. The junkyard opens at three. Chopper will be here," Dylan adds, pushing his hair out of his sight

 " Ooh-Sic balls!" Chris jokes, forcing a chuckle out of the long blond.

 " You go. You can pick us up on the way back," Teddy orders Vern.

 " I'm not going alone. We should all go."

 " I'm staying right here."

 " Pussy," Dylan mutter, earning a glare from Teddy. " Girls, shut up. We'll flip for it. Odd one goes. Alright?" They all nod, taking the coins from the money we have. All the coins fly into the air before landing on our hands, all tails.

 " Five tails! Oh Jesus, man, that's a goocher-"

 " Verno if you start talking about that again I'm giving you five for whining," Teddy holds up his fist.

 " Alright sorry." They all flip once more and stick their hands in the middle;  Dylan is the only one who has tails this time.

 " You lose, Dylan! Dylan loses! Oh, you just screw the food!" Teddy yells, his laughter bouncing off the cars.

 " Does the word 'retarded' mean anything to you?" Dylan takes the money from Gordie. As he stands up, he wipes the dirt off his jeans.

 " Dylan, go get the provisions you morphradite!"

 " Don't call me your mother's pet names," he sighs, walking away from the group

 " You're a wet end, Merrill!"

 " Shut up!" he yells, turning back to glare a the four-eyed freak.

 The four boys all look at each other before chanting, " I don't shut up, I grow up. And when I look at you I throw up! Aaaaaaaaahhh!"

 " Then your mother comes around the corner and she licks it up," Dylan gives a sarcastic smile before walking off. Laughter rings out behind him, a relaxed smile on my face.

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