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Some time passes before Chris meets up with the two, hopping off a truck he borrowed a ride from. You can tell from Chris' movement he has a surprise; his fingers twitch with adrenaline, the grin on his face giving it all away.

" Hey guys, d' you wanna see something?" Dylan and Gordie look at each other before giving a single nod of their heads. The two follow Chris to the back of a diner, anxiety but thrill running through their veins, waiting to see what he's going to show them.

" C'mon man what is it?" Dylan's feels like he'll burst if Chris doesn't tell him soon, however, keeps his cool. The latter looks around, making sure no one is around before he pulls a gun out of his bed sack and asks, " You wanna be the Lone Ranger or the Cisco-kid?" The boys stare in awe before Gordie takes it and aims in front of him, which is a barrel.

" Walking, talking, Jesus! Where'd you get this?"

" Hawked it from my old man's bureau. It's a .45."

" I can see that. Pchough!" he mimics as Dylan smirks at him, shaking his head like an older brother.

" C'mon man hand it over I wanna be the Lone Ranger." Gordie reluctantly hands over the gun and asks Chris if he has any shells for it.

" Yeah. Took all that was left in the box. My dad will think he used them himself showing at beer-cans while he was drunk."

Chris and Gordie look over at the blond, hearing the click of the gun. They see him pull the mag out of the chamber before placing it back in. " Where'd you learn that?" Gordie questions with awe.

" Learned it some time ago. You know it's loaded, right?" Dylan changes the subject. Chris stares in shock, surprised how he knows how to use a gun. Where did he even learn that? And why won't he say?

" You sure it's loaded?" Chris questions nervously. Dylan checks the barrel once more before nodding.

" Want proof?" Both boys shake their heads no. The long blond gives a light chuckle, holding the barrel so the handle is pointed towards Chris. The latter slowly moves for the gun, feeling the cold metal in his hand. Sadly, his finger accidentally hits the trigger. Dylan moves quickly, the gun going off with a bang.

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