2K 41 3

Walking towards the treehouse all Dylan can hear is 'Rocking Robin' from the radio in the treehouse. The reason they have the radio is because he stole it from his own household. He didn't get away without a few scratches but it was worth it for the smiles on his friend's faces. 

 He climbs up the ladder and does the secret knock on the trapdoor, it ringing into his ear and the treehouse. Chris and Teddy, who were already up there, hear the knock. Chris grabs the cards, Teddy moving the table before opening trapdoor opens up. Dylan climbs up, bag over his shoulder per usual.

 " Hey Dylan," Chris greets, focusing back on the card game between him and Teddy.

 " Hey Dyl, taken any photos?" Teddy questions.

 " Not many. Oh! I got one of Old Lady Simons digging for gold," the photographer states. He purses his lip, proud of taking the photo without her knowledge. Chris gives a sweet smile, Teddy biting his lip to hide the grin growing on his face. " I play next," he adds on, moving closer to the table (not by much though).

 " You really think you can beat me, Dylan?" Teddy questions, pushing his glasses back to the rim of his nose. The latter raises an eyebrow, tilting his head.

 " I've done it before. I think I can do it again, four-eyes." Dylan gives a sarcastic smile. He leans to see Chris' card. He snorts lightly. " You're fucked," he states, pointing at him. Teddy rolls eyes, not taking it seriously.

 Chris knocks his fist on the table, stating," I knock." He takes a puff from the cigarette between his smirking lips. Dylan pulls the cigarette from his lips, taking a heavy breath in. As he exhales he places the cigarette back between Chris' lips. The blond raises an eyebrow, a bit confused but decided to let it go.

" What!? You lying shit!" Teddy exclaims, taking Chris out of the small trance he was in.

" I got twenty-eight. You?"

" Seventeen." Teddy's lips creased into a frown. Dylan moves to his side, rubbing his back in comfort.

" Don't worry Teddy. You may win in a few years." Chris snorts loudly. Dylan lets out a light snort himself. " You sounded like a pig," he smiles, looking over at the 'pig'.

" Shut up, shit face. C'mon Chris deal us in," Teddy orders with a glare. Dylan only responds with a smirk back. It leaves his face as a knock is heard throughout the treehouse; specifically, it's their secret knock.

" Gordie," they agree before the table is moved and the trapdoor is opened. Dylan pulls Gordie up, all greeting him. He joins in to play cards as well, all having a feeling of relaxation.

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