january 17th

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Mia woke up to a barrage of texts in the head prefect group chat. It seemed that her team had decided that everyone would be meeting between second and third period to discuss the details. Mia groaned. Half an hour would not be enough time to get anything done, but something was better than nothing, and it was almost always impossible to organise a time when absolutely everyone was able to meet. This would have to do. Luckily she had a free period during third, so if the meeting did run over, she wouldn't miss anything. Gathering up her English books, Mia dashed out of her dorm to make sure she didn't miss breakfast, as Angie had already made her way down to save them both a seat.

When she got to the dining hall, Mia spotted Angie at a table near the window, except there were two other people sat around the table as well. Mia got herself a bowl of cereal and some toast and made her way over to table, and as she got closer to the table she recognised the two figures were Phoebe and Cass, who were chatting pleasantly with Angie. Angie waved when she noticed Mia approaching.

"Good morning Mia, you took your time this morning." She teased. Mia did her best not to grumble.

"Well, I didn't get to go to bed until late last night, so I may have overslept." Cass snorted into her bowl of cereal. Mia pulled a face before sitting down opposite Angie and next to Cass. Of course the only seat at the table was next to Cass. Cass was wearing her school uniform like everyone else was, but she also had an enormous red hoodie on over the top of her uniform and was dwarfed by it. As soon as Mia had put her food down on the table she threw an arm around Mia's waist and pulled her closer without looking up from her phone.

"What are you doing?" Mia hissed to Cassie. "I thought we weren't supposed to be official until next week."

"We might need to fast track that plan a little bit, look." She whispered back, casually gesturing to a table not too far from them, where Max was seated eating his own breakfast. Once Mia looked, he looked away, giving away that he had been watching her in the first place. Seeing this and feeling a anger bubble up inside her, Mia snuggled up closer to Cass and began eating her toast. Mia didn't completely hate this. Cassie was warm and her hoodie smelt nice and clean. Angie smiled at the two of them fondly and turned to Phoebe.

"They make a pretty cute couple don't they Phoebe?" Angie said, smirking. Phoebe smiled and nodded vigorously.

"They're pretty adorable," she cooed.

Mia tried to frown at the pair but from her position snuggled up against Cassie it was difficult to appear at all threatening, and being as tired as she was didn't help. She gave up and continued eating her toast, only managing to mumble a half-hearted "shut up", which caused all three of them to laugh at her.

Mia did her best to not look over to Max's table as she ate breakfast. It had been over a month since their break up, but there were moments of weakness, moments where it ached, where she missed being with Max. She missed joking around with him, missed one of her best friends. She shook her head slightly and focused back on the conversation at the table. Angie and Phoebe were arguing about who the best character from Friends was; Angie claimed it was Joey whilst Phoebe was vouching for Phoebe, despite Cass pointing out that she had an obvious bias.

Once they had finished, Cassie made a movement to get up and laughed when Mia grumbled at having to leave the comfort of Cassie's warm hoodie. When Mia eventually summoned the energy to get up, they all tidied up their bowls and plates and headed off to their respective lessons. Angie looped her arm around Mia's as they made their way to English.

"Phoebe is so sweet. She and Cass should definitely eat with us more often. I invited them to eat with us at lunch later if you don't mind?" Mia shook her head.

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