january 20th

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The following morning, Mia woke up at eight, and was quickly washed and dressed and on her way to Cassie's room. She quietly pushed the door open. It was dark inside, but not enough that she couldn't make out the room. Phoebe's bed was empty and made, and Mia assumed that she was at rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet. Cassie was sprawled out in her bed, and was snoring loudly. Mia crept over to her bed and jumped Cassie, making her shriek and jump. Mia cracked up laughing and had to sit down on the bed as she was laughing so hard. Cassie propped herself up on her elbows and rubbed her eyes with her hand.

"What was that for? It's too early for this." She winced as Mia switched on the light. "Also, I'm hungover, which is not the best feeling in the world. That light is far too bright." She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples.

"You're hungover? How?" Mia questioned. Drinking was mostly forbidden, but for students over 18, drinking was allowed in moderation. Cassie must already be 18. At that thought, Mia realised that she didn't know when Cassie's birthday was.

"Me and the team had some celebration drinks last night, and I had too many with too little dinner to balance it out. Can you get me some water please? My head is killing me." Mia handed her a bottle from her desk with a now concerned look on her face. Cassie noticed and made a face. "What are you looking at me like that for?"

"Are you going to be okay to come into town with me today? If you're too unwell we don't have to go." Cassie shook her head, but then winced at the action with regret.

"Nah I'll be fine, just give me like an hour and I'll be back to normal. This isn't my first rodeo." She said, and winked weakly. "Now look away while I get dressed you perv." She teased and started pulling out clothes from her wardrobe while Mia busied herself on her phone. A few moments Cassie was dressed in a large oversized hoodie, loose boyfriend cut jeans and some heavy duty boots. She looked at her outfit, then at Mia's and laughed. Mia was in a neat burgundy pinafore and a white roll neck sweater with ankle boots and thick tights.

"We really couldn't be more different from each other could we?"

Angie was at the bus stop waiting for the pair when they finally left the school.

"You two took your time. Were you making out?" Angie asked the pair of them without looking up from her phone. Mia started and choked, but Cassie laughed and flung her arm around Mia's shoulders.

"Absolutely not, we just showered together instead." Mia made a strangled noise. "I'm kidding; this one was helping me to recover from my hangover." Angie raised an eyebrow at Cassie.

"A hangover? I'm not sure that's the sort of behaviour I appreciate from my daughter's girlfriend, young lady. If you want to continue to date my daughter you are going to have to change your habits madam." Angie said in a mock serious tone and waggled her finger at Cassie. Mia groaned loudly and buried her face in hands.

"You two are the absolute worst, you know that right?"


"Absolutely," came the joint response. Mia groaned again.

A few minutes later the bus into town arrived and put Mia out of her misery. Angie and Cassie were unlikely friends but they got on like a house on fire when it came to teasing Mia. Cassie sat down in the seat behind Angie, and pulled Mia down into the seat next to her, and put her arm around Mia's shoulder and pulled her into her body. Mia would have complained, but Cassie was warm and the bus was cold, and her hoodie smelt nice, so she didn't complain or resist. She lent her head on Cassie's head, who in return lent her head on Mia's. Angie turned and cooed when she saw their position.

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