february 1st

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The Valentine's fundraising week was drawing ever nearer, and before Mia knew it, it was already February meaning that she had less than two weeks before it all kicked off. It seemed that all of the decorations and posters advertising different events were finished, and soon enough they started appearing around the school, stating the date and times of each event. The prefect team had been working more and more to make sure that everything was ready to go in time.

It was becoming easier and easier for Mia to avoid Max, and she was even finding that whenever she saw him, she didn't feel the same sinking longing in her stomach that she used to feel. It was getting easier to forget that she was even trying to make Max regret cheating. However, it also meant that Mia kept forgetting that the relationship between Cassie and her was only pretend, and Mia didn't like to think about how that made her feel. This thought was rattling around Mia's brain as she walked to the dining hall, her feet leading the way subconsciously while her brain wandered to faraway places. Unfortunately, Mia's wandering and wondering meant she was completely unaware of her surroundings, and she was unable to avoid the very person she had been praising herself just moments earlier for being able to avoid easily. She walked straight into him, knocking her books to the floor. She stooped to pick up her books, and Max crouched down to help her, and they picked up the books and loose sheets of paper in silence. They stood up together and Max handed Mia her belongings.

"Mia, we should talk." He said as she took them and stuff them into her bag, and it took all of Mia's willpower to not groan aloud. She was not in the mood to talk to Max, and she had made it very clear to Max the last time they spoke that she did not want to be talking to him anymore.

Max seemed taller than when Mia had been dating him, which she knew was unlikely, but she took it down to the fact that she had become used to Cassie, who was shorter than Max's six foot height. His hair was also noticeably longer than it had been when they had dated, and Mia found herself habitually wanting to run her hands through his hair. She put on her most disinterested expression and sighed.

"Fine. What do you want to talk about?" She asked. Max stepped closer to Mia, who instinctively took a step backwards away from him. Max frowned at this, but said nothing and kept his distance.

"I wanted to ask you about Cass Frost." Mia raised an eyebrow.

"What about her?"

"You're not actually dating her, right? Like, you're not gay, are you?" Max asked, in an almost hushed voice, looking around to make sure that no one could hear them. Mia felt a wave of disgust wash over her as the true meaning of his words sunk in. 'You're not actually dating her, right?' he had asked, in the tone parents take when scolding young children. Taking a deep breath, Mia looked Max in the eye and raised her chin in defiance.

"I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that, but no I am not gay." Max visibly relaxed, making Mia's hackles rise. "But I am bisexual, and I am dating Cassandra Frost. Not that it's any of your business as to who I date." Max visibly tensed at her words and scoffed in disbelief.

"I call bullshit." It was Mia's turn to look surprised.

"Excuse me, what?"

"I bet you're only dating that girl Cass to get back at me for cheating. You're not actually gay." Max continued.

"No, I'm bisexual Max; it's not that difficult to understand. And we are actually dating; it's not just to get back at you." She lied, her voice rising slightly. "I'm not that petty." Another lie. Max scoffed again.

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