february 11th

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Time passed quickly for a very different reason after that. Mia and Cassie spent every moment they could together, just to enjoy each other's company, whenever Mia wasn't busy with preparations for the fundraiser. The fundraiser got off to a great start, with the books that Cassie and Mia had got were wrapped by the prefect team and sold on the Monday to encourage adventurous reading, and to not 'judge a book by its cover'. The cake sale took place on the Tuesday, and by the end of the cake sale, the prefect team had already covered their costs and were well on their way to reaching their target funds, which Mia was excited about.

Wednesday was the sale of the roses so that they could be anonymously delivered to the recipients on Valentine's Day the following day. Mia had originally been in charge of the sale of the flowers, but at the last minute Kirsty took over for her. When Mia asked her why, she simply shrugged and smiled knowingly.

"Let's just say I know something you don't," was all Mia was able to get out of her.

That evening, as planned, a van arrived at the school with the delivery of two hundred red roses. Cassie enlisted the help of the rugby team to help Mia move the buckets of flowers out of the van and into the school, and put them in a cool room with plenty of water and plant food for all of the flowers, in the hope that they would stay fresh enough to last until the morning, which the delivery driver assured her that they would. For the rest of the evening, the prefect team sat in their meeting room sorting out the messages and making sure that they had the room numbers of everyone who a rose had been brought for (the vast majority were for girls, but there were still a fair amount of notes that had been bought for boys. There were even a few repeats for certain, more popular people) so that in the morning all of the roses and messages could be delivered.


a bit of a short one i'm afraid

next update on thursday


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