january 27th

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Mia spent most of Sunday morning in bed, not doing a lot. Around lunchtime, just as she was thinking about finally getting out of bed and getting something productive done, she received a text from Cassie.

Cassie <3

Wanna come to rehearsals again this afternoon?

A few moments later, another text came through, and Mia shot back a reply.

Cassie <3

Wanna come to rehearsals again this afternoon?
Miss Holloway wants you there (I think she want to talk to you about selling tickets and stuff)

Sure thing, what time is it?

Any time after 1pm, I'll let her know you're coming

                Eventually, Mia summoned enough strength to drag herself out of bed, and she got dressed into some comfortable clothes, deciding to keep on Cassie's yellow hoodie and put a few pieces of work in her bag as well as her planner for t...

Ουπς! Αυτή η εικόνα δεν ακολουθεί τους κανόνες περιεχομένου. Για να συνεχίσεις με την δημοσίευση, παρακαλώ αφαίρεσε την ή ανέβασε διαφορετική εικόνα.

Eventually, Mia summoned enough strength to drag herself out of bed, and she got dressed into some comfortable clothes, deciding to keep on Cassie's yellow hoodie and put a few pieces of work in her bag as well as her planner for the fundraiser event planning. Angie had already left to go and do something earlier in the day; Mia vaguely remembered Angie telling Mia where she was going before she had left the room, but Mia couldn't remember what. She shouldered her bag and left. After stopping briefly at the dining hall to pick up some lunch (she had well and truly missed breakfast), she made her way down to the auditorium.

The auditorium was in one of the furthest wings of the school, and it was quite a walk for Mia, who was two floors above it and at the opposite end of the school. She eventually got there at half past one, and the production was already in full swing. Mia entered as quietly as she could, trying not to draw attention to herself. For once, there was barely anyone sat in the auditorium watching, bar Miss Holloway and one of the ensemble cast members who seemed to be fighting off a nasty looking cold. She sat down next to Miss Holloway, who acknowledged her but didn't say anything. She was jotting down notes every few seconds on a large clipboard. Mia sat down and decided to watch the rehearsal. It felt like it would be rude if she just sat and did homework while the play was running.

It wasn't terrible. There was still a lot of work to do, but it was slowly but surely coming together. It seemed like there were places where people struggled with lines, or forgot a prop, but otherwise, it wasn't too bad. Miss Holloway stopped the cast at the middle of the play, to give feedback and give everyone a break. With the whole cast on stage, Miss Holloway ran through her notes that she had made, and Cassie appeared next to Mia with a large water bottle and hugged Mia.

"What did you think?" She lent down to whisper to Mia so as to not disrupt Miss Holloway's feedback. Mia nodded.

"From what I saw, it looked good." She paused, thinking for a moment. "I didn't really see anything you were in though."

Sealed with a Kiss | ✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα