february 8th

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Monday came and went in a blur, with Cassie and Mia breezing through their history presentation despite Mia's earlier concerns. The rest of the week passed in a similar fashion, as Mia found herself more and more busy with preparations for the fundraiser piling up as the week drew nearer and nearer. As a result, Mia found that she was able to spend less and less time with Cassie, which made her sadder than she would care to admit.

However, Mia did not have a lot of time to dwell on that, as on Friday, Mia found herself taking a break. Phoebe had invited both Mia and Angie to watch the dress rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet on Friday afternoon, meaning that Angie was allowed to miss a Geography lesson, which she was ecstatic about and mentioned frequently. They arrived at the auditorium about fifteen minutes before it was set to start, and the auditorium for once was dimly lit rather than having its usual bright fluorescent glow, and was about half full of students who had been invited by cast members to see the early showing. Miss Holloway noticed Mia enter and made a beeline for her.

"Mia, I just wanted to thank you for all of your help organising everything for this. You've been an enormous help." Mia smiled.

"It's no problem Miss Holloway. I'm looking forward to seeing the finished result for the first time." She said, and Miss Holloway smiled widely before dashing off again. Angie nudged Mia.

"This had better be good; you guys have all been hyping it up for the last month." Mia laughed, remembering that Angie hadn't been to any rehearsals like Mia had.

"Don't worry, from what I've seen, it should be pretty decent. Phoebe is an absolutely incredible actor and such a good fit for Juliet and you've been missing out."

"Who's Frost playing again? I forgot." Angie asked.

"Mercutio. Spoiler alert: she dies." Mia said. Angie looked distraught.

"What? Really?" Mia laughed.

"Surely you already knew that? It's basically common knowledge at this point. Did you even read Romeo and Juliet when we studied it a few years ago?" Mia asked and Angie shrugged.

"Nope, and even if I did, I sure as hell don't remember it anymore. You know I'm not a fan of Shakespeare, that guy is way too old." Angie said, making Mia laugh.

"I wonder what they're both going to be wearing." Mia said, changing the subject. "Apparently Cassie hates her costume, so I'm imagining it doesn't flatter her at all."

At that point, the house lights dimmed and the lights on the stage went up as Miss Holloway walked on stage, holding a microphone. She thanked everyone for coming, and soon enough, the prologue was starting. Mia hadn't seen this early in the show, bar the time Cassie had stood in for someone at the beginning. Some ominous music played whilst a girl Mia vaguely recognised as being in the year below began to talk, her voice mixing with the music and rising as she uttered the iconic opening.

"Two households, both alike in dignity, in fair Verona where we lay our scene..."

Mia was whisked away by the production, fully captivated, and it seemed like the majority of the crowd watching were in a similar position. Phoebe looked stunning in her dainty costume and her hair in soft curls that tumbled down her back. Cassie didn't show up for a while, but by this point, Mia knew exactly when she came in and with what lines. When she eventually appeared on stage, Mia was taken aback.

Cassie looked mesmerising in her Mercutio outfit. As the play had a somewhat modern twist on it, all the characters were wearing extravagant costumes that were rooted in modern style clothing. Romeo was wearing a leather jacket over a shirt and Juliet wore a dainty tea dress that stopped just above the knee. Cassie was wearing an oversized white shirt with billowing sleeves and a lot of the buttons undone, tucked into a pair of tight fitting trousers and a pair of calf high boots. Her hair was in a loose braid, and with her sword attached to the belt on her hips, she strongly resembled a pirate.

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