february 2nd

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Mia's mood was ruined for the rest of the day thanks to Max, but the next day she resolved to not let it ruin her weekend. She was planning to go into the town centre to place an order of roses for the rose delivery service in two weeks' time, as well as buy a bunch of books for the mystery book sale. She and Cassie set off fairly early on the Saturday morning, as Mia was eager to beat the rush of weekend shoppers.

When the bus pulled up in the town centre, there were only a few people milling around the shop fronts, and some stores were still only just opening up. Mia dragged a still groggy Cassie down the high street until they found the florist, which was a little blue store with buckets on buckets of flowers in front of the shop, and had the name 'The Flower Garden' scrawled across the top in gold paint.

The pair made their way into the little shop, and a little bell rang as they did. Shortly afterwards, a young woman appeared from the back of the shop, wearing an apron over a dark green polo shirt. She smiled at the pair of them.

"Hi. How can I help you?"

Mia clutched the planner she was holding in her hand and approached the woman, while Cassie hung back and looked at the many floral displays.

"Hi. I was wondering if it would be possible to place an order for the evening of Wednesday the 13th of February?" She asked.

"That depends on what you are ordering, but I can't see it being an issue." She woman replied, and started looking at the computer on the desk.

"I would like to order around three hundred rose to be delivered to Hawthorne boarding school, if that's possible?" She asked. The woman typed a few things into the computer for a bit, before turning to Mia.

"That shouldn't be an issue, as its February we tend to get plenty of roses delivered. I'll just see how much it will cost you to have it delivered and everything." She left the computer and disappeared through a door, leaving Mia to stand awkwardly alone in the shop with Cassie. Cassie had spent the past few minutes looking intently at the displays and bouquets of flowers. She noticed Mia looking at her and took a deep smell of the nearest flower, making Mia giggle.

"See anything you like?" Mia asked light heartedly.

"If I'm being honest with you, I have absolutely no clue about flowers. I'm just looking at the ones that look and smell nice." Cassie admitted and smiled sheepishly, making Mia laugh again. The woman reappeared with a clipboard, and Mia walked back to the desk.

"Okay, so for everything including delivery, it should be about £250. Does that sound alright?" Mia looked at the budget that had been set aside by the prefect team for the fundraiser and nodded.

"That's actually a little bit less than what we were expecting, which is nice. Can I order that then?" She asked and the woman smile.

"Of course, let me just take your name and the address, and then you can pay and you'll be good to go."

After Mia had done everything, she and Cassie left the store, with a small slip of paper and the receipt for the roses. Cassie looked at Mia from over the top of her scarf.

"What's next on the list of stuff we need to do?" Mia looked at her list.

"Um, we need to buy some books from a couple of different charity shops down this street. I called ahead the other day and some have already put aside some boxes for us, so we won't have to pay as much. First though, we need to buy some crafting materials for all the events, like wrapping paper and gift tags. I don't want to be having to carry those books around all the shops we visit; they will be far too heavy for that."

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