How it started part 2 (Carya's Backstory.)

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                                 Hi everyone. I want you to know that this one will be kind of sad. If you are sensitive to blood I will let you know when it starts. Enjoy!😁

This song goese with this chapter because Craya is have a new beginning.


 The night was clear with no clouds. The moon was high in the sky. I raced along the wind in my hair. Moonlight was streaming from in between the branches reflecting off of my jacket. I finally stopped to catch my breath. Looking up at the sky, I smiled to myself. This was my home. The wild.

I breathed in the cold air through my nose then let it out in a huff. I felt restless but also like I was being watched. I looked around continuously but couldn't see a thing. A huff escaped my lips as I flopped down on the ground. Perhaps I was paranoid. I tried to relax and leaned back so my face was skywards and I could count the stars. I stared up and just watched the stars twinkle above me. I didn't miss much, except being outside with my parents and watching the stars. My dad would point out constellations while also making up silly ones that had my mom chuckling. Me. I would laugh hysterically and hug my stuffed lion Leo closer.

I shook my head and silently scolded myself. Five years since I left them and I was still thinking about them. The good memories stung though I knew I had made the best choice. I had to protect them by going away. I didn't regret that. I just wish I could have told them why I have to go. I had tried to tell them about the trolls in the woods. They would just laugh, or my mom would insist she bring me to work so she could check on me (she is a doctor)when I tried to explain that I was the one who started the fire although I hadn't meant to.

I suddenly stood up to try to get the thoughts out of my head and running my hand through my wild hair. I looked like your typical street kid, except maybe I had more twigs then rubbish in my tangle of black hair. I thought how my clothes had changed over the years as I brushed off my Cameo hoodie with matching pants and a black T-shirt. I was surprised that people threw this stuff away. Sure, it looked a little ragged but really throw it away? Sometimes I can't even believe my own species. I shook my head a little still trying to get my thoughts away from my family. My heart slowing to a thump. The feeling had kind of gone away. I started to trot to a stream I knew was nearby, and bent down for a quick drink. I tried to relax again but I couldn't. It was strange because I am used to living in the wilderness. The woods that were my life were making me uneasy. That was NOT easy to do. Looking up I saw nothing, so I went back to my drink but almost sat up again. The feeling that I was being watched had returned. I stared intently into the darkness yet still saw nothing.

Trying to shrug it off I jogged out of the clearing and walked into my camp. Probably some type of animal, a cat or an owl. My camp wasn't much. Just a sleeping bag and a makeshift tent made out of branches and a tarp that I found. In the garbage. Again. Still useable. Humans are bizarre. I climbed under the tarp/tent and snuggled into my sleeping bag. I fell into a semi-sleep. Now I always slept with one eye open.


A dull thump awoke me from my sleep. I sat up and quickly was out of my bed. With my hand reflexively over my necklace I bent over picking up a stick from the ground holding it like a sword. 'I really need to go dumpster diving for an actual weapon.' I thought bitterly as I scanned my surroundings. The night was as pitch black as ever. Still, I felt that something wasn't right as I held my stick, tighter and walked a little farther from my campsite. A rustling came from my right. Turning quickly to face a threat my sky blue eyes stared at.... nothing. Nothing appeared but the dark outline of trees. I crept towards it and held up my stick ready to strike. Biting my lip and staring at what looked like never-ending darkness. I squinted and begged my eyes silently to let me see something, anything.

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