Reuniting old friends

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We raced down the halls. My feet thudding desperately on the cobbled street, dodging carts of crystals, books, and rocks. The others were close behind, I could tell by the sounds of their footsteps on the dark street as well. Said streets were empty and strangely quiet. I had an idea where everyone was though. Everyone seemed to be holding their breaths, waiting to see if we are too late. After another corner, the area came into view as did voices. Sounds of jeering and yelling taunts came to my ears and my heart sank. It had happened or it was so close it was almost hopeless. I turned to my companions, "You guys better stay out here." I saw Trixy open her mouth in protest, but I held up my hand. "I don't need you guys locked up, so just wait out here until I give you the signal to join me."

Trixy still didn't look too happy, but Rex grabbed her arm and nodded. ARRRGH and Toby also nodded. I took a deep breath and ran forward into the arena just as Polemistís was raising his sword for a last deadly strike. Under him was a blue troll with four arms and six eyes. A burning hatred burned inside my guts until I remembered that this one was not like any others, this one was innocent. I took one last deep breath and left forwards. "STOP!" I yelled, my voice stopping not only the sword but also the yelling. I step in front of Polemistís. "You can't kill him," I begged. "He isn't like the others. He didn't know this place existed of that there were other trolls. Trolls like u- like you."

I stopped from saying us because I really wasn't a troll. I didn't count and it was really not my choice whether they kill them or not but I was determined to try. I turned desperately to Igétis, "I'll prove it. Give me a month and I can prove that they are on our side. Please."

He looked at me but raised his hand and Polemistís reluctantly brought the sword down and stepped away from the blue troll scowling fercily at him. But his face softened slightly into a more pitied expression as he looked at me. "I hope you know what you're doing," He whispered to me.

So do I, so do I.

Igétis stared down at me as he spoke, "Carya has proven time and time again her loyalty to us and our law states that anyone Elemental may stand for any. She stood for Drall and he too has proven his loyalty. However, this is a different case. Why do you believe that these trolls aren't as evil as the rest?"

I took a deep breath and motioned for Trixy, Rex, Toby, and ARRRGH to come in. They did each slightly cowering under the gaze of Igétis.

"I have come across these people. They claim they don't know of the war and I have found out that they also have a wizard companion. Merlin is his name. They fought for the surface a couple of weeks ago and came victorious. The four-armed ones are not ones to fight for the side of good," I said and Igétis looked at me with no trace of anger, he knew why I had done it. Why I had exposed the Elementals. He trusted my judgement and I was proud he did.

"Very well. We shall give her one month to prove their loyalty. Any objections?" he said.

No one did and Igétis looked at me with a blank expression but I could tell his mind was working double time. "May I take the prisoners to a private room?" I asked a little uncertain.

He nodded and a few guards followed me and the others out. The guards took me to a small separate room. I asked if the others could wait outside for a moment. Though Toby and ARRRGH looked slightly sad they agreed. Rex also agreed looking pointedly at Trixy so she again would reluctantly agree. And she did. The guards left me in the room with the keys and a few worried glances. I just gave them a small reassuring smile. They both whispered 'welcome back' and left. I took a deep breath and was about to approach the first cage when I was tackled from behind. "Carya!" Hermoil screamed hugging me tightly.

I just started at him until I heard more footsteps and I look up to see Solis bustling in a worried frown on his face. "Why did you do this?" He demanded. "Why did you stand up for that, that, that." He struggled to find the words.

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