So this is what it takes to get me back here.

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    The song doesn't go with the chapter, but here we go. I love this song, and I think it is a kind of sneak peek to another chapter in the future! (:3) Any way enjoy!


My face paled. I could hardly believe it. Jim.
I could not protect him no matter how much I tried.   He got wrapped up in something bigger then I could have ever imagined. The Trollhunter. So the legend is true. Everything Drall had said was true. "A four-armed one." I breathed.

"What?" Toby turned to me.

"A four-armed one." I said again, "Our greatest enemies. And if they are traveling with one..."

Toby's face fell. "What will happen?"

"They will kill them on sight. All of the trolls." I whispered. "I need to get back."

"You're not going alone." said a voice I recognized.

I turned hoping, beyond hope, it was not who I thought was. But sure enough, it was Trixy and Rex. "Oooh heyyy, guys." I laughed nervously. "How long have you been standing there?"

Trixy had her hands on her hips and a determined look. 'Oh great' I thought.

"Long enough for us to know you are going to do something stupid. This isn't your war, why do you have to fight it?" Trixy asked sharply.

I sighed and looked into the eyes of everyone present. Trixy, Rex, Toby, and ARRRGH. "I will explain everything later. Please, I just need to get to New Jersey."

"Not without me," Rex said stepping forward.

"Or me." Trixy took a step to so her and Rex were level. "You can't seriously have all the fun. Plus, I'm always up for an adventure."

"I'm coming too." Toby piped up. "Jim is my friend. Plus, I'm the only one with experience with Trolls."

"Except for the fact I have lived with them for nine years." I rolled my eyes. "You know I have no experience."

"Hey, sorry. I'm just saying, yeah except for that." He said raising his hands in defeat.

"Is the troll coming to?" I asked glancing at the troll.

"Of course ARRRGH is coming! I can't leave him behind. He's my wingman!" Toby said like it was apparent.

"Wingman," I muttered. "Of course."

Toby started to look at me funny. "Wait... I told you Jim's and my story so what about you."

"Yeah, Carya. How did you decide to get involved with this?" Rex asked just before Trixy opened her mouth.

Trixy glared at him. "I was going to say that," she complained.

Rex shrugged "Sorry I just got there first."

Trixy rolled her eyes, but let it go. "Yeah okay, anyway. Answer the question." Trixy looked at me, and everyone turned to look at me expectantly.

I shifted on my feet and looked at the ground. There was silence as everyone stared at me. Looking up I sighed. "I know I have a lot of explaining to do but I really just need to save my brother. I ran away because I was too dangerous. Now that I can control the flame inside me I want to help him in any way I can. He is my brother, and I have turned my back on him for too long."

Trixy and Toby just looked at me. But Rex nodded his head as if he understood. "Okay, fine. What is the fastest way to New Jersey?" He asked Toby.

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