The capture and the stranger

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So hey again guys sorry this took so long but life has been terrible and didn't let me write. So i'm Going to let you read the story now. 


As he sat in a tree gazing over the starry horizon Jim thought of everything that had happened in his life. Finding the amulet, meeting Blinky and ARRRGH, becoming a troll or, at least part one, defeating Bular. Almost dying a million times. He laughed quietly at that thought. He had come a far way from the person he used to be. A long way for sure. "Jim!" A voice called below him.

He looked down through the thicket of branches to see his girlfriend Claire calling up to him. "Come down!" She yelled. "Blinky is looking for you."

"I'm coming!" He called back and swung down. As his feet hit solid ground, he brushed his black and red armor off. "Why is Blinky looking for me?" He asked, tilting his head slightly to the side.

A smile brightened up her face. God, did he love that smile. "Merlin thinks the heart stone is close, we are leaving in an hour. We might find a new home, Jim!"

Jim beamed back. It was fantastic news! They had been searching blindly for nearly four months now. The trolls were beginning to lose hope. Now, this would definitely bost some moral. "That's amazing news!" He bent down and kissed her cheek.

"Come on. We better get back to the others and start packing." She said taking his hand and walking out of the small clearing. Jim followed.


As camp came into view, Blinky came out and waved. "Master Jim! Fair Claire!" He called.

Both Jim and Claire waved back as they came closer. "Is it true?" Jim questioned Blinky.

Blinky nodded his head. "Yes, it is master Jim. Merlin has located the heart stone. We are relatively close." He then smiled. "There is no record of trolls there. We will have a new home."

Jim smiled at his mentor and fatherly figure. "Where does Merlin think it is?" he asked

"Merlin believes that the stone is just a couple of miles away," Blinky answered pointing to the east.

Jim nodded his understanding and started to enter the cave with Blinky and Claire following close behind him. They were greeted by many hellos and happy waving. The news had certainly gotten out. As he made his way to the back of the cave he reached the designated pile of rock that was for him and Claire. Now he was a part troll, he found it was more comfortable than a bed. He sat down and Claire sat down on his lap as she folded clothes into a suitcase that she had brought with her from Arcadia. "So how do you feel about being so far away from Arcadia?" He asked, at last, breaking the silence.

"Well, it's fun being here on an adventure with you." She looked up and kissed him on the bottom of his chin. "Anyway, you need to pack too." She continued.

Jim snorted. "Pack what? I don't have anything, I'm not human anymore. I don't pack stuff."

Claire looked up apologetically. "Right sorry. I still haven't gotten used to you being." She gestured at Jim. "You know."

Jim looked away ashamed. Claire noticed this and hugged him tightly. "Not that I don't love you the way you are." She whispered in his ear

Jim hugged her back tightly, laying his head on hers. As he sighed deeply he thought of how lucky he was to have all these people by his side. Claire, Blinky, his mom, Mr. Strickler, Toby, ARRRGH, and everyone else who had stood by his side. He was sure that he would have hidden for the rest of his life after the transformation. He was still slightly self-conscience about it, but he was getting better every day. As they broke away from the hug they looked at each other in that magical way that only lovers could. An awkward cough came from behind them and they looked up both blushing furiously. Merlin was standing off to the side grinning smugly. "If you two are done, we are wanting to move to the new heart stone location."

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