New beginnings, new friends, and new places.

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So hi. Third chapter! I made this key so it is easier to read my character's names. So here it is. 


  Carya: (CARE-YE-A)

Solis: (Soul-lis)

Igétis: (In-yet-tees)

Hermoil: (Her-Moi-Lil)

Giatrós: (Hear-ret-tos)

Ílios; (ILI-LOS)

Right...sorry about all the Greek names...I like Greek names..they give a sort of power. 

Thanks! Hope you enjoy.


Finally, after nine years of being down here, it was time. I knelt in front of the council of guardians as they looked down at me, all six of them. One was Igétis his skin was blue with star designs and constellations carved across his arms and legs symbolizing that he was the star reader, but his orange, blue, green and crystal formation (kind of like a crown) showed he was also the leader. The one that was next to him was called Ílios. Ílios was red with designs of explosions and magma. Symbolizing that she was the chief elemental of fire and the volcanos. On Igétis' left was the weapons specialist and sword instructor Polemistís. His face was set in a permanent scowl, and everywhere he had at least one weapon. Currently, he had a large copper sword. He was rust color rather like his sword.  Roshan sat to the right of Polemistís. Roshan was nervous most of the time and an expert in trolls species. His stone skin was blueish green and he had markings of crosses and diamonds. To his right sat his brother Rakdos witch was the complete opposite of the modest and  nice Roshan. He was bulkier and boasted rather a lot on his strength. He was the trainer on wrestling and other younger trolls that could one day be the understudy of Polemistís. And finally the last, youngest, and newest member Thrunda. Thrunda was the chief element of wind and sky. She was one of the most powerful trolls next to Igétis, Polemistís, and Ílios.  Kind enough, but was a stickler for rules. 

Then Igétis spoke. "Carya we are giving you the chance to call yourself one of the elementals. Do you swear to protect the secret of the troll Elemental power."

"I do," I answered without looking up.

" Will you risk your life for the trolls of troll cavern?"

"I will risk my life for any troll here."

"Are you ready to take responsibility of an Elemental?"


"Then rise Carya guardian of the crystal of Alorahcon, Elemental of fire."

I rose and stood proudly. Solis was standing respectfully in one corner, but I could tell he was beaming. "I will make you proud," I said with my head up high.

Igétis muttered, but I swore he said: "I know you will." Or maybe he said," Chickens are good." Hopefully the first one. Anyway, He then said out loud " Council dismissed."

I started to walk towards the exit on the far side of the room when Igétis called me back. "Carya can I speak to you?" I turned and nodded walking back to where he stood. "Walk with me." He walked out a different exit to the left of the then the usual one people exit through. Curiously I followed him. He has never taken me this way. "I understand that you are interested in going back to the surface?" My heart jumped at the thought. The surface. That is what the elementals call it anyways. I have not been allowed up there for some time. Say nine years.

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