Chapter 8. Hawaiian Honeymoon

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This is incredible!

Reid and Ana stood on the balcony of their honeymoon suite on the island of Maui. Fragrant flower leis still draped around their necks, elaborately decorated tropical drinks sweating chilly condensation on a nearby table, they watched a pod of whales in the distance as they migrated across an ocean tinged orange and pink by the setting sun.

If this is all we ever see of Hawaii, it’s enough. It’s so…so…perfect.

Reid stood behind his new wife. He hunched down to rest his chin on her shoulder, bringing his arms around to clasp her to him. Every minute I think ‘Wow. I’ve never been happier.’ Then a minute later, I think ‘No, this is the happiest moment in my life so far.’ It’s overwhelming to be this…this…



Ana nuzzled into the side of his neck, inhaling the aroma of flowers as well as the scent of her man. So…Spencer…what should we do next?

Funny thing. I asked Rossi that at our wedding. He made it sound so simple.

What’d he say?

That we should enjoy our honeymoon, then discuss plans for a family, and then…live happily ever after.

Mmmmmm. That sounds good. She turned in his arms to face him. The leis tangled, fragile blossoms crushing, releasing more of their sweetness into the dense, tropical air. But it sounds like a lot. Maybe we could combine a couple of them?

Reid wasn’t positive, but he thought he knew where she was going. His smile stretched to almost painful width. Like…?

Like starting our family on our honeymoon? He could hear the tentative questioning overlaid with a veneer of eagerness in her thoughts. They’d known each other for two years. There was no doubt that family was on both their wish lists. Feeling his emotional response, her smile mirrored his, then somehow managed to surpass it.

And suddenly there was yet another contender for the happiest moment in Spencer Reid’s life.


Ah! What the…? ROSSI!”

Hotch’s exclamation was loud enough to reach Rossi as he showered. Not wanting to miss anything of amusement value, he stepped out from under the hot spray and peered around the corner of the bathroom door.

“Good morning, Aaron. Sleep well?”

Pollyanna enumerating reasons to find gladness wouldn’t have sounded more innocent.

Hotch was scrunched back against the headboard, eyeing the thing that had startled him upon waking. The thing returned his regard with shiny, heavily-lashed, button eyes nestled in plush pastel purple. He turned his glare from the doting face of the unicorn doll to his roommate.

“What the hell is that and why was it in bed with me?”

Rossi retreated back into the steamy confines of the bathroom. “I told you I’d find you something to snuggle and help you sleep.”

“Ha, ha, Dave. Very funny.”

“Every boy needs a cuddly toy. I read that somewhere.”

Rossi toweled off and dressed. He could hear Hotch rummaging through his bag, looking for fresh clothes. He also heard the Unit Chief’s phone go off, signaling a waiting message. He knew it had been viewed when the growling baritone bellowed through the walls

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now