Chapter 32. Psychic Hide and Seek

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Having expressed his dislike of all things lavender, thanks to Rossi’s flamboyant sense of humor and penchant for secreting plush toys in close proximity to his boss, Hotch was resigned to whatever they’d come to this odd little settlement to do.

The doctor stood in front of him and, head tilted back, inspected him through the bottom of half-moon lenses.

“I know you’re tense, son. No one’s going to be able to talk you out of that. But I need you as relaxed and open as possible. I see the more talk there is, the more stress you have. This isn’t your world, and no matter how many times I tell you that this journey is not about monsters, you still react to the unknown as anyone would. With worry. With anxiety. So…” With a smooth swiftness that belied his age, he stepped forward and placed a palm flat against Hotch’s forehead.

The worst moment for Rossi was seeing his friend’s glance seek him out, fall on him at the last moment, as though asking for reassurance or help. It was only for a split second. The dark eyes widened and then, closed. With a sound hovering between a moan and a sigh, Hotch collapsed. His muscles released. His knees buckled.

The doctor must have clued Julio in on his plan. Either that, or they had done this dance many times before. The Palero was ready. He caught Hotch in muscular arms and, cradling him, lifted the lank body off its feet. The doctor took a seat on one of the two beds available, gesturing for Julio to lay Hotch next to him.

Rossi was reminded of the last time they’d visited. Once again, he saw the doctor pull his unconscious patient against him, propping up the limp body with his own. He wrapped his arms around Hotch and, for a few moments, seemed to be listening to some hidden rhythm peculiar to his medical method, audible only to his ESP-er hearing. When he looked up, it was directly into Rossi’s eyes, although his words were intended for all present.

“I spoke truly when I told this child that there are no monsters here. This journey is about love and reclamation. But you must all be aware that love can be a monstrous force. Insidious and beautiful and deadly. As we move forward, be aware.”

His gaze shifted to Ana. “I have never made this journey. I don’t know what to expect. Mothers die without question for the sake of their children. But I’m telling you now, empath, do not forfeit your life even if it seems giving yourself to your child will help accomplish our goal. I will find ways to help, if required, although it would be far better if my energy did not enter the mix already in this man.”

Ana nodded, her hand straying to her abdomen, the pregnancy so early she hadn’t needed to make the move to maternity clothes yet. The thought of dying hadn’t occurred to her. Since the moment she’d known a child was on its way, all of her mind, all of her spirit, had been geared toward life. And if I die, then this child, its physical aspect anyway, dies with me…….Spencer?.... Her hand reached out to meet his, to grip it with desperate need.

I’m here. If any life is to be given, it’ll be mine. Understand?

NO!! She made an effort to submerge sudden panic. You will NOT do that! If you put yourself in harm’s way, I’ll…I’ll…KILL you. Do YOU understand?!

Yes, ma’am. The meek reply and the image his mind sent to hers of a puppy rolling over on its back, exposing its underbelly in faithful submission, had the effect Reid intended. Ana couldn’t help the small gasp of laughter that escaped even as she felt tears building in her eyes.

The doctor’s deep mental voice overrode the couple’s communication. Children! Neither of you is to make such a sacrifice. I know the impetuous nature of youth and its desire for quick solutions. I’m telling you now, that one of the reasons I broach this subject at all, is because of the limitless power, the dangers of love. For each other. For your child. For your friend. Already it works on you, planting the seeds of misguided martyrdom. Calm yourselves and double-think any action you are tempted to take. I’ll be watching over you.

Retribution, A Spencer Reid/Criminal Minds FanficWhere stories live. Discover now