[Chapter 4: 1 2 3]

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"You'll see." Chaeyoung replied. Chaeyoung walked away leaving Mina's mouth opened.

[Chapter 4: 1 2 3]

"Chaeyoung, who likes Mina?" Sana asked. Chaeyoung blushed and looked away. "Wait, don't tell me you!" Chaeyoung smiled and looked down. "Chaeyoung!" Sana screeched.

"It's our secret. Spreed it, I'll tell Tzuyu you like he-" Sana covered her mouth when they reached the top. They both saw to figures. Jeongyeon and Nayeon. They where over hearing Jeongyeon's "Confession".

"I think Jeongyeon is, confessing." Sana whispered into Chaeyoung's ear. Chaeyoung and Sana looked at eachother. "Lets see if Nayeon will reject or accept."

"I choose the second one." Chaeyoung whispered. Nayeon hugged Jeongyeon surprisingly. "I guess that's a yes?"

"I love you!" Nayeon shouted loudly enough for the two girls to hear.

"Okay okay, can you two love birds like kiss. This show is getting boring!" Sana yelled for being impaitent. Nayeon and Jeongyeon turned and they both turned red.


Sana and Chaeyoung where at the clinic since they kept falling on the concrete of the school campus. "We shouldn't have went on the rooftop for lunch. I'm so damn hungry~." Sana rubbed her stomach. 

"I can relate so much! Nurse Kim! Can we go eat lunch?" Chaeyoung asked. The nurse yelled a "Yes". Chaeyoung and Sana slowly got up and groaned in pain.

"How about I get you guys lunch." A fimiliar voice said. She turned her corner.

"Somi? Yeah sure. I want nachos and Sana would like...." Chaeyoung paused.

"I would like a California Roll!" Sana smiled. Somi nodded. Her heart was beating a little to quick.

Few minutes passed, and the girls had there food. "Can I gwet a nawcho?" Sana asked with food in her mouth. Chaeyoung handed her a nacho. Sana ate it and handed Chaeyoung a sushi.

"Nwo twank yo." Chaeyoung shook her head. Sana stuffed it in her mouth. Somi was in there, but only staring at Chaeyoung. Not only she was caught, but Mina walked in too.

"Hello~." Mina waved. Somi was a little jealous.

'Who's she?  Chaeyoung's girlfriend!' Somi though. "So, Chaeyoung dating anyone?" Somi ask. Chaeyoung looked up and shook her head.

"Nope." She said while popping the 'p'. "But I do like someone, but it's a secret." Chaeyoung secretly glanced at Mina.


Chaeyoung and Sana safely arrived back at her dorm. Chaeyoung threw her bag down and walked it's not her room. She grabbed a sketch book send started drawing.

"She does have have a mole on her nose." Chaeyoung mummbled. Sana walked in and looked at her drawing.

"Drawing Mina? Do you want to touch her?"

Chaeyoung nodded. 

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