seven: dare

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SEVEN: dare los angeles, 1990's

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SEVEN: dare
los angeles, 1990's

ROSY WAVED BYE to the other boys before fourthgrade pushed her into the shop with a playful smile at his lips. he wrapped his arm around her waist as he dragged the smiling girl towards the couch's. the two pulled the blankets from the night before off the floor and threw them on top of each other before they locked eyes with one another which made both of their cheeks turn a pink tint.

"what do you wanna do?" rosy mumbled as she turned her body so she was facing her now dirty blonde haired friend. fourthgrade shrugged before he pulled her body into his so she was cuddling with him. she wrapped her arm around his waist while he did the same. the two remained in each other's presence until they grew bored. rosy eventually stood and put a new vhs in the vhs player and watched with a content smile as the new skating video played.

the girl then turned towards her backpack and pulled out a large bottle of alcohol that was fuckshit's favorite. she passed it to fourthgrade who accepted it with a happy smile. the girl then turned off the lights before she plopped back down on the couch next to her friend.

fourthgrade quickly turned his camera on and positioned it in a way where the two were both seen in the frame before he sat back down.

she watched as fourthgrade opened the bottle and toke a long sip from it before he handed it to his friend with a giddy smile. the girl toke an equally long drink before fourthgrade spoke, "how do you get all this money to buys drugs and beer and shit like that?" he asked as he toke the bottle from the girl's hands.

rosy shrugged before speaking, "i have my ways." she said, not wanting to tell him that her ways were actually selling drugs for nate every here and there. fourthgrade didn't press the subject any further so the two just remained silent until the beer was completely gone. by then they were both pretty tipsy and bored. the fact that neither teen knew what to do didn't help either.

"truth or dare?" fourthgrade asked, breaking the silence. a smile creeped onto rosy's face before she spoke, "truth." fourthgrade let a sigh leave his smiling lips as he looked at the girl. "boring," he said making rosy roll her eyes.

"what you probably wouldn't have said dare either." she said making him scoff. "would too." he said making rosy laugh. "would not." she said with a mocking smile as she moved closer to the boy. "really, ask me then." he said making rosy smirk. "truth or dare." she asked.

"dare." fourthgrade said with a large smile which made the girl beam at his happy state. it was a huge change from the night before.

"i dare you," she paused, thinking of what was a good enough dare before her backpack and the contents that were inside came to her mind. "to drink as much of this as you can." she said as she pulled out a new bottle of beer.

fourthgrade smirked before he toke the bottle from the girl's hands and began chugging it. he managed to consume more than half the bottle before he gave up and tore it away from his lips. his black d.a.r.e shirt was now a darker shade from where all the beer had spilled on it which made him sigh.

"my shirts all wet now." fourthgrade said with a sigh that made rosy smirk. "you can always just take it off, duh!" she said making the boy smile. fourthgrade slipped his wet shirt off his body and threw it to the floor, his fresh bruises still were painted on his body which made rosy's heart fall slightly.

"truth or dare?" fourthgrade asked making rosy break her gaze from his chest to his eyes. "dare." she said making the boy smirk. "i dare you to drink the rest of this." he said as he handed the half empty beer bottle to her. rosy smirked before she chugged the remaining beer in one long sip which made both her and fourthgrade giggle.

after that the two remained silent for a second, trying not to look at each other when suddenly a familiar song began playing as the background song in the skate video.

an excited gasp escaped rosy's lips as she turned towards the tv and allowed a bright smile to spread across her face.

she quickly stood from the sofa and turned towards fourthgrade before she offered her hand to his with the smile still on her face. "dance with me." she said to the boy. he didn't hesitate to stand and wrap his arms around her waist which made her wrap her arms around his neck. before he pulled her body closer towards his.

the soft melody of put your head on my shoulder played in the background as the two drunk teens slow danced in the dark store.

rosy's cold hands on either side of fourthgrade's neck sent goosebumps up and down his bare body. the warmth from fourthgrade's hands on the back of rosy's back made the girl turn a light pink color.

fourthgrade spun her around and pulled her back into his chest making her giggle. she rested her head on his shoulder as fourthgrade rested his head on her head. the two continued to dance with each other until rosy slowly looked up at the boy. they locked eyes and both of their faces instantly heated up at how close their lips were.

"truth or dare." rosy whispered into his ear making his heart rapidly beat as the hairs on his arms instantly stood up.

"dare." he whispered to the girl, refusing to look at anything else but her eyes.

rosy looked at the boy for a second and allowed the silence to overcome them before she spoke for the last time, "i dare you to kiss me."

fourthgrade felt his world stop at the girl's words. the two looked at each other, waiting for someone to do or say something. fourthgrade was afraid he had heard her wrong. she wouldn't want him to kiss her. would she? but as she looked at him with those big brown eyes that made fourthgrade melt he knew she had said it.

so the boy closed the gap between them and planted his lips on hers. first the kiss was slow and soft until he pulled his rough lips away from her soft ones but soon reconnected them with more passion.

fourthgrade's soft kisses were no longer soft as the two roughly kissed each other, longing to feel each other's touch on one another. fourthgrade pushed her onto the couch as he cupped her waist making her smile.

her hands became lost in his hair as she tugged at it making the boy groan. after a few minutes his bruised lips left hers as he began planting kisses up and down her neck which made the boy smile. fresh bruises now littered the girl's neck by the time the boy's lips reconnected with hers again.

even when the song ended neither teen let go of each and both continued to drunkly kiss and hold one to one another. no one pulled away until they both became so tired they just collapsed next to each other. but before either teen fell asleep fourthgrade didn't hesitate to lock his hand with the girl's and place one last final kiss on her lips while a drunken giggle escaped his lip.

then the two fell asleep,
as if nothing had happened.


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