eighteen: the end

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eighteen: the end los angeles, 1990's

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eighteen: the end
los angeles, 1990's

ROSY WAS AT PEACE as she danced next to fourthgrade, smiles on both of their faces before they exchanged a kiss, one she hoped would last forever. when he pulled away she frowned making him kiss her back again, this time with more passion.

"get a room!" ruben exclaimed making the two him glare at him before smiles reached their faces as they flipped him off. ray walked into the room followed by stevie and fuckshit,  "bro, fourthgrade really loves rosy more than he loves his camera and if that shit ain't saying something than damn i don't know what is." he admitted making everyone laugh. it was true, the pink haired boy really adored the girl more than he adored his camera.

he was infatuated with the girl.

the group collapsed on the couches for their usual friday night movie "date." this time fuckshit had bought the snacks so she knew it was gonna be that good rich white people food. the teens munched on the snacks as they intently watched the t.v, wishing they could he the skaters shown on the little screen.

"one of these days, we're all gonna be there. just watch." rosy said making ray smile. "i hope you're right." stevie admitted. rosy smiled at the boy, "when am i ever wrong? i'm always right!" she exclaimed. she wasn't wrong, she always was right, except for her decision to get in the car with fuckshit, and the decision to take off her seatbelt, that would make that dream of being on that screen never happen.

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ADRIANA MARTINEZ looked up at the ceiling with a blank expression on her face. she had just gotten out of surgery and she felt nothing at all, mainly for the reason that they had given her such high pain medications that she couldn't even feel when she lifted her arm. the door was opened and she heard the familiar sound of wheels on the floor, a sound she had missed so much. "rosy, you're okay!" fourthgrade yelled out as he ran towards his girlfriend with a bruise on his face from the crash and red glossy eyes from crying. 

the girl didn't say anything because truth be told she wasn't okay, she was heartbroken. "rosy, what's wrong, you good?" ray asked her. adriana just shook her head as best as she could which was almost impossible to do because of her injuries.

"what's wrong?" ruben asked as the tears rosy had tried so hard to hold in fell from her eyes. fuckshit still hadn't talked to the girl and instead sat and intently watched her, guilt written on his face. she finally looked around at her friends, breaking her gaze from the ceiling to speak, "i talked to the doc, and he told me i'll be fine to walk in a few weeks." she said as she bit her lip to stop herself from sobbing.

"that's great!" ray exclaimed making adriana quickly shake her head, "he also told me, that the injuries to my legs are so bad, that i'll never be able to walk how i did before again. i'll walk with a limp. so i was like well doc that isn't so bad, it's just a limp, but i'll still be able to skate right?" she said as she paused to clench her fists together in anger, "you wanna know what he said? you wanna know what he fucking said?" adriana asked, feeling that same anger from when she first found out the news come rushing back. they all knew where she was going with this before she even said the words that would change their lives forever,

"maybe in another life, but, not in this one. he told me that this shit was so bad that i can't fucking skate anymore." she said. everyone fell silent at the news as they looked at the floor with wide eyes. they didn't believe her, they didn't went to believe her. how could the best skater they ever met, suddenly not he able to ever skate again in the span of a few hours, the whole thing sounded surreal.

"so i guess it is good then that i gave my board to that girl because i won't be needing it anymore huh?" she asked making everyone remain silent. everyone exchanged glances with one another, silently begging someone to speak, but no one knew what to say as they all just remained stunned.

"i'm so fucking sorry." fuckshit finally spoke.

"i'm so fucking sorry!" he repeated, tears falling down his cheeks as he held his head in his hands. he had ruined his friend's life. adriana wished she could say she wasn't upset with him but she was fucking infuriated with the boy so instead she just glared at him in pure anger.

"you know, i can't tell if god wants me dead or not. like he saves me from dying twice but then he takes away the whole reason i wake up in the morning. shits so weird." she said as she rested her head on the palm of her hand. tears continued to fall down her cheeks even though she felt nothing. fourthgrade placed his hand in hers and adriana didn't hesitate to hold his back as she looked at the ground.

"you know rosy, you literally take the hardest hits out of anybody i've ever seen in my life." ray finally said making adriana bitterly laugh. "you know we're here for you right?" he asked. adriana stopped laughing and instead made eye contact with him before she quickly looked away, not wanting any more sympathy.

"do you guys wanna see something?" fourthgrade asked, suddenly catching everyone's attention. when everyone looked at the boy, waiting for him to continue he stood from his chair, camcorder in his hands as he made his way towards the small tv in adriana's hospital room. everyone watched as he plugged some cords into the tv before he backed up, a small video started playing making everyone watch it with furrowed eyebrows.

adriana watched as a film titled, "mid90's" began playing. a film of them and all the time they had spent together as a group, whether it be just skating, drinking, partying, or just hanging out, a compilation of clips of the best time of adriana's life.

adriana smiled at a clip of her and fourthgrade kissing for the first time the night of their truth or dare game, followed by all of them breaking into that guy's house to swim in his pool, followed by many more clips of the stupid shit they had done together as a family.

the video ended with fourthgrade zooming in on the anarchy symbol rosy had spray painted into the wall the first night they met, in the background fourthgrade's voice saying, "i call dibs." could be heard making them all laugh before the screen went black and it ended.

"that was fucking amazing!" adriana said, her mood instantly lifting up, proud for her boyfriend who finally achieved his dream. everyone congratulated fourthgrade on making something so tight and they talked about it until there was nothing left to talk about.

when the room fell silent adriana finally spoke, "hey guys, can you promise me something?" she asked. everyone asked "what?" in sync as they stared at the girl.

"you guys will go pro for me." she said, as she looked each of her friends in the eyes with hope. they all looked at her, smiles on their faces before they all spoke at the same time,

"i promise."

they all kept their promises.


( i'm working on making
some books for the other boys )

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