Back To The Past

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"Madara!" Naruto yelled, his voice raw with anger, "I'm going to kill you!" He roared, Sasuke stood next to him. His eyes full of the same hatred that filled both Naruto's and Sakura's. The same eyes that now hunted for the man who killed all their friends, killed everyone in the world. All except for them.

Ino... She died blocking an attack that would of hit Sakura.
Shikamaru... Choji... Lee... these three died together, trying to give team seven enough time to come up with a plan.
Shino... Hinata... Kiba... they had all died in the first assault of team seven's rotten plan. They thought these three would be able to slow Madara down, they were wrong.
TenTen... Neji... these two died in an attempt to avenge Lee and Gai, their emotions got the best of them and they were struck down just like the rest...
Sai... they didn't even see Sai die. They just heard the horrible news from Kakashi that he had given his life to slow Madara down.

All of their friends had given their lives to give them time, time for what? A rotten plan that hadn't even worked? A rotten plan the ended in the entire world being killed?

"We can't beat him... we're not strong enough.." Sakura said, Naruto and Sasuke sighed. They knew they weren't enough to take Madara on alone, but who else could? If they didn't then the whole world would've died in vain. But then, an idea struck Naruto.

"We can't beat him now. But we can in the past!" He said excitedly, Sasuke and Sakura looked at him like he was an idiot, "Listen, there's this jutsu. A time travel jutsu, it can take us into the past! My dad showed it to me before his body well... vanished.." Naruto said sadly, Sakura and Sasuke's jaws practically hit the ground. And for the first time since the war began, they smiled.

"Well what're you waiting for!?" Sakura said, she jumped up and down excitedly, she'd be able to see all of her friends again.

"Yeah! Get this spell over with!" Sasuke demanded, Naruto elbowed him.

"Alright, alright." Naruto sighed, he closed his eyes, the air around him swooshed up and down, it enclosed Sakura, Naruto, and Sasuke. Naruto began the jutsu, he did hand signs that Sasuke and Sakura had never seen before and spoke a language they couldn't understand. The air around them swirled faster and faster, it became harsher as well. The air forced their eyes closed, when the wind finally died down and they opened their eyes... they were back in Konoha. Only this Konoha still had people walking it's streets, Sakura, Sasuke, and Naruto couldn't contain their happiness. They hugged each other with tears streaming down their faces, even Sasuke's.

Naruto broke away from the hug to see a little boy with silver hair walking with a boy who wore goggles and a girl with purple markings on her face. Sakura gasped when she got a closer look at them.

"It's Kakashi! We went too far in the past!" Sakura hissed. She clung on to Naruto's arm, making the yellow haired ninja blush at the contact.

"No. This is perfect, we can stop Madara from ever getting Obito then." Sasuke said, "if we stop him from getting Obito then Naruto's parents will never die!" He said, Naruto and Sakura's eyes widened, maybe this whole going into the past thing would be easier than they thought!

"Where do you think they're going?" Naruto asked as he watched Obito, Rin, and Kakashi walk out of Konoha.

"They're going on a mission, and not just any mission!" Sakura said in shock. She looked from Naruto and Sasuke and they seemed to realize the it at the exact same time.

"It can't be.." Naruto said, "it's too perfect."

"This sounds like a poorly written story plot.." Sasuke added, "well what are we waiting for!? Let's go! Follow them!" He ordered, Naruto and Sakura nodded as they ran after the three ninjas. Trying to keep a safe distance away from them as they also kept an eye on them. As they were running Sakura suddenly fell behind, her form started to shimmer, it turned transparent before returning solid again. Sakura gasped for breath as Naruto and Sasuke kneeled down next to her.

"What was that?" Naruto asked, Sakura clung to his arm, scared and in shock at what had just happened, "what happened?" He asked her worriedly, Sakura had turned pale and her eyes went wide.

"I think... I think I'm going to get born.. again!" She told them, Naruto and Sasuke looked at her, confused.

"What do you mean being born again?" Sasuke asked her, Sakura watched as her hands turned transparent in front of her.

"I think... I think I'm being conceived right now, and since past me is coming into existence.. I'm disappearing!" Sakura explained, Naruto looked shocked as did Sasuke. "Since I'm older than both of you it must be why I'm disappearing first... but then it'll be Sasuke... then you Naruto! We're all gonna be born again!" There was a disgusted look on each of team seven's face as they realized they were being... conceived soon.

"That means we don't have much time to save Obito." Sasuke told them, he stood back up and hoisted Sakura off the ground, "come on, Sakura. While you're still here." Sakura nodded and began running again, she kept pace with Naruto and Sasuke best she could. Trying to hold back the sudden surges of her body turning transparent and at one point she almost disappeared before Naruto called out her name.

"Guys.. if I'm gone before we get there.. promise me you'll save Obito. If you don't.. then none of this will be worth it!" She asked them, "you have to save Obito." She ordered, Naruto and Sasuke looked at her in shock before nodding to her order. Sakura smiled, shimmering one more time.

"Okay guys. I believe in you." She smiled at them, she kept running. Almost falling off a cliff, they looked for a way down before hearing a loud rumble and a scream.

It was too late.

Oh no! Team seven is too late to save Obito! What will happen now that they couldn't save him? Who knows!

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Back To The Past!

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