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Gaara scratched the back of his head as he watched the members of the Konoha 11, minus Sakura and Naruto, interacting with each other happily. The sand siblings plus team seven had been tasked with making friends with their old ones once again.. but they didn't quite know how they'd make friends with them, people were always intimidated by the sand siblings, and wary of Naruto since he was a jinchūriki and the Hokage's son.. so Sakura and Sasuke would probably have it the easiest at making friends, if they weren't the 'well known' best friends of the fourth Hokage's son.. this was going to be harder then expected.

Gaara looked at his friends, "so what do we do?" He asked them, they were currently hiding in some trees not far from the other members of the Konoha 11, "do we just go up to them and say 'hey'?" The others shrugged their shoulders, they knew what to do just about as much as Gaara himself knew.. which was practically, if not, zero.

"Why can't we just give them their memories now?" Kankuro asked as he peered at Ino hitting Chouji and Shikamaru over the head for some reason, "then they'll automatically be our friends again!" He said it like it solved the problem, which it probably would've.. if returning their memories worked like that, which, surprise, returning someone's memories was actually a lot more complicated then it seemed when they had returned Obito's and Kakashi's.

Naruto looked at Kankuro and shook his head, "they have to accept the memory return.." he briefly explained, "when you and Temari got your memories back you accepted them, remember?" He asked as the two sand siblings nodded their heads, it had been strange when they received their memories.. especially since Gaara had just walked up to them and basically forced them to accept what was happening, without any explanation, which was definitely the scariest part.. seeing as Temari and Kankuro both half expected that it was just some ploy so Gaara could end them..

Temari tilted her head as she watched Rock Lee trying to fight Neji, "so we have to get them to accept the memories.. what if they don't even after we're friends?" She asked them.. the others shrugged as they stayed quiet, they didn't know what they'd do if their friends didn't accept the memories.. but they supposed they'd just have to deal with it when the moment possibly came, which hopefully never would.. they need their friends to defeat Madara, just like Shukaku and Kurama said, they can't do this without them no matter how much they'd like to keep them in the dark.. keep them safe from knowing what happens in the future like they do.. but sadly.. things just can't work that way.

Sakura sighed sadly as she stared at her old friends with sadness, "anyone got a plan?" She asked seriously, turning to the sand siblings and her team members for an answer, "it'd be too weird if we all just suddenly walk over there." She added with a frown, they needed a way to talk to them and start the whole 'friendship' process without being too weird about it.. so that meant no Naruto right off the bat, or the sand siblings, which would be too strange seeing as they're from Sunagakure..

Sasuke thought for a second before a light shone in his eyes as he got an idea, "Sakura and I will probably have the easiest time making friends with them." He explained lowly, he had realized that Shino had been looking towards the trees they were hiding in quite often.. if he told the others about what his suspicions then their plan would definitely do down the drain.. Shino glanced back towards the trees again and Sasuke swore he saw the ninja raise an eyebrow curiously.. stupid bug man.

Sasuke sighed as he continued, the others nodding in agreement as he went on, "she and I could go and talk to them first, then once we start talking more we'll introduce you four." He told them his plan, it sounded promising.. and made more sense then one of the sand siblings randomly coming out of nowhere to be their friends. Since the entire group agreed that was the best plan, and the only plan, they ended their discussion and Sakura and Sasuke made their way over to their past friends.

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