Time Travelers

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"Obito!" Rin cried, she reached her hands out to try and grab him, only to be pulled away by Kakashi as the confined area collapsed more and more. Kakashi succeeded in pulling Rin out of the hole, but stared sadly at the hole from which they had just emerged from. Obito was gone, crushed to death in a hole, and Kakashi hadn't been able to save them. Kakashi tried to pull Rin away as she cried into her hands.

"Rin.. we have to go find Minato now.." he urged her to get up, he tried grabbing her hand but she recoiled from him.

"How.. how can you be so.. so uncaring..?" Rin asked, tears streaming down her face, "Obito just died! And you won't even mourn him?" She asked, Kakashi looked down, ashamed at himself for not being able to show his emotions properly.

"Rin I—." He began, but was cut off by a loud, "Cha!" and ducked as the rocks from the hole burst and scattered into the air, almost hitting Kakashi and Rin. Kakashi looked up to see a pink haired ninja, a yellow haired one, and a raven haired ninja, his eyes widened when he saw Obito lying on the ground in front of the pink haired ninja. Kakashi drew a weapon and pointed it at the newcomers, "who are you? Enemy ninja?" He questioned them, the yellow haired boy and raven haired boy silenced him, he almost burst out again but stopped when he noticed a green glow emit from the pink haired one's hands. A medical ninja...

Kakashi and Rin watched as Obito breathed in sharply, before coughing. Rin smiled brightly as she ran to hug her friend, but was stopped by Kakashi grabbing on to her shoulder. She turned to see Kakashi glaring at the three ninja who had randomly appeared.

"Who are you?" Kakashi said lowly, he kept his weapon pointed at the three as they brushed small rocks and dirt from their clothing. Two of the three ninja smiled at them while the raven haired one just frowned.

"I'm Sakura Haruno." The pink one smiled as she helped Obito off the ground, Obito lumbered over to Rin as she embraced him. Both sides falling to the ground, either in happiness or in pain.

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki!" The yellow one yelled, Kakashi looked at him strangely, Uzumaki's had red hair, not yellow. Not to mention this ninja bore a striking resemblance to Minato and Kushina..

"I'm Sasuke Uchiha." Sasuke said flatly, his attitude matched what Kakashi thought most Uchiha's should be like. Minus Obito, who was much more lively than this Uchiha.

"And we're from the future!" Naruto exclaimed, he yelped in pain as Sakura and Sasuke whacked him on the back of his head, "oww guys!" He complained as the two simply groaned at him in annoyance.

"From.. the future?" Rin asked intrigued, "how far in the future?" She asked, Kakashi gave her a warning look as to not believe these people, since time travel was obviously impossible.

"Years in the future! Where Kakashi sensei is old!" Naruto laughed, emphasizing on the word 'old'. Sakura elbowed him to show a little more respect, but he didn't seem able to stop himself from laughing. Obito looked up at Sasuke with a confused look on his face.

"There's no Sasuke in the Uchiha clan... maybe he's telling the truth?" Obito suggested, Kakashi elbowed him for believing their stupid story.

"What do we have to do to prove that we're really from the future?" Sakura asked, Naruto nodded his head as Sasuke crossed his arms. Kakashi thought for a moment before thinking of an idea.

"Tell us something only someone from the future would know." Kakashi said, pointing a finger at the three ninja. They huddled together whispering nonsense to each other before finally deciding on what to tell them.

"The nine tailed fox will attack the village on the day of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki's son's birth." Sasuke stated, Kakashi's eyes went wide with disbelief. The nine tailed fox was going to attack Konoha? He had to tell Minato! He turned to leave but stopped in Sasuke appeared quickly in front of him.

"You can't tell Minato. Or else he might not have Naruto at all." Sasuke warned, "you can only be there to help him stop the attack." He told him, Kakashi glared at the boy before backing down.

"Fine." He huffed, he turned back and grabbed Rin and Obito's hands. Pulling them away from the three mysterious ninja. Rin turned back and waved as Obito kept giving Sasuke strange looks, "we'll find out soon if what you're saying is the truth." He growled. He glanced back at the three, and saw that their bodies were shimmering!? Their bodies turned transparent, with Sakura almost disappearing!

Kakashi blinked in surprise, but when his eyes opened again Sakura was gone in a whirlwind of cherry blossoms.

He blinked again, and Sasuke was gone in a swirl of ebony black feathers.

Once again he blinked, and Naruto was gone in a sudden flash of fire.

Obito, Rin, and Kakashi stared back at the spot where the ninja's once stood. Nothing left of their existence except for flaming grass, cherry blossoms, and feathers. Kakashi's mouth was open so much it almost hit the ground. Rin picked up a cherry blossom and looked at it intrigued.

"They just disappeared... maybe they're from the future after all.." she said, she was enchanted by the thought that she actually met time travelers! "I can't wait to meet them in a few months.." she said wistfully, pocketing the cherry blossom.

Obito picked up a feather and examined it, "maybe, I swear there's no Sasuke Uchiha in my clan." He told them once again, "he looked an awful lot like Fugaku though.." he let the feather fall to the ground, when it joined the other feathers just like them they shimmered, disappearing all together. As did the burnt grass and cherry blossoms.

Nothing was left of these mysterious ninja except for Kakashi's, Rin's, and Obito's memories of them.

And the single cherry blossom that remained in Rin's pocket.

Yay! They saved Obito after all! But I'm not sure Kakashi really believes their story about being front the future? Will he eventually believe them? Or will everything remain one big coincidence?

Stay tuned to find out what happens next on Back To The Past!

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