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After Naruto spoke it got extremely quiet, like 'hear a pin drop' quiet.. which he knew now was actually possible.. The other ninjas he was currently trying to make friends with all stared at him like he had just transformed into a large centipede and was about to eat them all for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.. and that wasn't even too bad of an exaggeration seeing as all of the Konoha kid's eyes were wide and their mouths were at different levels of hitting the floor.. definitely not what someone wanted to see after they had just said 'hey'.. were they actually all that shocked to be in the presence of the Hokage's son..? Was he that intimidating even as a 12 year old..?

Naruto raised an eyebrow as he looked at each of them individually, "hello?" He waved his hand in front of their faces to try and get a reaction out of them, "are you guys alive?" He asked as his actual friends all looked at each other, confused as to why none of the Konoha kids were even making the slightest gesture as to show that they had just heard him.. talk about rude or something.. did they do this to every new person who said 'hey' to them in this timeline?.. because team 7 and the sand siblings had to point out, it wasn't a very good way to make friends.. or any sort of way to make friends when you just stared at them in awkward silence..

Silence that just grew.. and grew.. and grew some more.. right until it was so thick and in the air that one of the ninjas probably could of cut it with a kunai! And they were slightly tempted to, maybe that would be interesting enough to get a reaction other then shock out of these rude ninjas.. seriously though, how were they expecting to try and be friends if they couldn't even say something like 'hey' or 'hello' in response?! Or even a simple head nod would be better then the silence they were in!

Gaara shook his head as he decided to try and break the silence one of the best ways he knew how.. by being incredibly rude to people so they would speak up to defend themselves! Works every time with everybody..

The sand shinobi quickly put his plan to action, he cocked his head to the side as he looked towards his siblings, "are they dumb or something?" He asked innocently, the accusation/question seemed to hit the exact nerve that they needed to in order to get the Konoha kid's attention.. they all suddenly snapped 'awake' and looked at Gaara like they had just been accused of murdering someone.. it was now easy to see what their priorities were over other things, friends < their status.. it kind of made the team 7 members and sand siblings laugh at the thought they all cared about how they were perceived so much in this timeline.. just another thing that had changed because of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura.. another thing that was their fault..

Before Gaara could say anymore rude things to the people he was trying to become friends with, Shikamaru stepped forward and ever so slightly pushed the sand shinobi back.. quickly making team 7 and the other sand siblings jump into action as they formed a circle surrounding Shikamaru.. much to the Nara's boy discomfort as he looked around in circles for a way out.. but there was no way out.. that was until Gaara put a reassuring hand on Temari's shoulder, a sign that he was okay, and the circle disbanded just as quickly as it had formed.

Shikamaru sighed in relief before he turned and glared lowly at them all, but mainly Gaara, "we aren't dumb." He told the Kazekage's son with venom dripping off his voice like it was a leaky faucet, "but you certainly seem to be." He added, Shikamaru already didn't like these six people very much just from how much he did know about, which might be very little but it was enough for him to decide that Gaara and Naruto were.. strange.. the energy coming off of them wasn't like the other energy coming from their friends.. it was stronger.. and hid various amounts of ill intent.. Unlike Sasuke's, which just seemed dark and mysterious.. Temari's which was slightly dangerous, but more calm and at peace.. Kankuro's was very.. in the middle of calm and dangerous.. and Sakura's.. hers was warm.. and gentle, and kind.. and- Shikamaru quickly shook the thoughts of her kind energy out of his head as he focused back on what was going around him.. which just so happened to be Sakura glaring at him.. he didn't even remember what he said but he immediately assumed he deserved her glare anyways..

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