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Simon: hello darling...nice perfume

SIMON P.O.V.: I hugged her and smelled her perfume again.

Demi: do you really like it?

Simon: yes, I really do...it's perfect for you

Demi: well, thanks then (she let go of me, grabbed her bottle of water and started walking away) come with me, time to work

Simon: okay (we walked through a hallway and entered on the studio)

Demi: hello everyone, I'm ready to start with the first song...can we?

X: yes, whenever you're ready-

Demi: I'm so excited...I guess you all know this guy (she pointed at me) and if you don't, he's Simon Cowell, he runs a revord label and his programs are the best when it comes to talent (I smiled big)

Simon: hello everyone

Demi: he's with me today (she looked at me) you can sit wherever you want to

Simon: okay

Demi: and umm, if he has an idea or something to say about the sound of this, I'd love you all tp hear it cause his advice is almost always right

I think I missed her a lot.

Simon: that's not true...I'm always right (she laughed as well as everyone)

Demi: I'm gonna start (she entered the place while I sat on a chair next to the producers)

X: are you standing or sitting?

Demi: ummm, standing for now

X: great...mic check?

Demi: mic check (they nodded and she smiled. The music started playing and it was a really good beat. It was kinda R&B which I never heard her record. The song it has good lyrics, good rhythm, good vibes and it's basically amazing)

Her vocals are better than ever and this means a lot..like, she's always the best and now...wow.

The song finished the first time.

X: it was amazing, I think perfect

Demi: thank you...Simon?

Simon: I wrote some things here that I'm gonna tell these guys and we'll show you both versions, you can pick anyone

Demi: okay, do I have to record something again?

Simon: no, I think you did great (she smiled the sweetest smile I've seen in 7 years)

Demi: thank you big guy (she started writing some things on her papers there and I showed the producers my ideas and they liked them. We made both versions)

X: here, this is one of the versions (it was a little too technological for my taste but it was good, very good. She small smiled) and this is the other one (in this version you can identify some real instruments and her vocals were more appreciable. I saw her smile big)

Demi: this is the one that I want...both are amazing but I want to hear actual instruments and not just the technological ones

X: okay, we got this...you can rest now, we can continue tomorrow

Demi: umm, I don't know...do I have some other thing to do? Better than this? (She looked laughing at me)

Simon: yes, you told me you had to meet with some good friend of yours to talk about some stuff

Demi: alright, we'll continue tomorrow...anyways, we only need 3 more songs to have the complete truck ready to go! (She made a small dance and we all laughed. She walked out of there) who's version was the one I chose?

X: Mr. Cowell's

Demi: I told you he was a genius at this (I smiled widely and we walked to her office again) okay so, you told me I had an important meeting with a certain someone...what we'll do now?

Simon: can we leave?

Demi: yes

Simon: could we go to yours? And order some food? Maybe ice cream

Demi: or pizza or burgers (I laughed)

Simon: yes, whatever you like brat

Demi: let's go (she grabbed her purse and we went to her house in our individual cars) there you go...welcome to my house Mr. Cowell



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